Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

It’s Time for Principles

I truly wish elections didn’t turn so much on the state of the economy. I’d rather people have a more basic understanding of principles that emanate from a Biblical foundation—economic, moral, education, governing—and a fidelity to the limits imposed by constitutional authority. Those limits were placed there by the Founders for the sake of preserving our liberties. There are times when the bad state of the economy will work out in favor of the change I desire [the current situation,… Read more »

Ideologically Driven … Again

Indiana recently cut off all taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. That’s the good news. Even if you haven’t yet heard of the administration’s response to this, you can probably guess, based on how it reacted to Arizona’s illegal immigration law. Yes, Obama & Co. are getting ready to challenge the law. The official position will be that it hurts poor people. Unofficially, it’s really an ideologically driven position to continue support for abortion. How do I know this is the… Read more »

In Support of Israel–Unlike Our President

If anyone still retained any doubt about where President Obama stands on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, that doubt should be gone now. In his speech yesterday, the president actually called for Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders. History reminder: in 1967, the nation of Israel fought the Six-Day War against its Arab “neighbors”—that term is more outlandish than descriptive. As a result of that war, this tiny country added more territory, which has caused great consternation in the Arab world… Read more »

The Next Ronald Reagan

With Huckabee’s withdrawal from the Republican race, commentators are asking who will pick up what they term the “social conservative voters.” While I do recognize the basic validity of that name, it still rankles me that we have created such a divide in the conservative electorate. The conventional wisdom is that there are social conservatives and economic conservatives, and that the two groups are rather at odds with each other. That does happen, but I submit it’s an artificial division…. Read more »

The Budget, the Debt, & the Media

The budget and economic issues are once again going to come to the forefront shortly, if they haven’t already. Republicans and Democrats couldn’t be further apart in their view of the status of things and what needs to be done. While Republicans are warning against raising the debt ceiling without significant cuts in spending, Democrats have a different take on the situation: President Obama himself has yet to get serious about the coming economic Armageddon. When he does mention it,… Read more »

Double Standards & Discernment

In the wake of the successful takeout of bin Laden, there are some who say we shouldn’t criticize the president anymore. I say we give him credit where it is due, but we keep in mind his overall performance and not let one correct decision cloud our memories or lead us to think that in foreign policy and the war on terror, he is on target. In fact, I believe the following illustration is a perfect representation of where he… Read more »

Easy Choice

It appears there is a direct line that can be drawn between the enhanced interrogation tactics used on captured terrorists and the trail to Osama bin Laden. Some continue to believe these tactics are too strong, but we should keep at least two things in mind: first, no one dies from waterboarding; second, it was very effective and has helped save lives. Isn’t that much better than the way some countries deal with those who attack them? What would critics… Read more »