Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

Libyan Thoughts

I’ve had a few inquiries regarding my thoughts on the events transpiring in Libya. I’ve been more concerned, frankly, with events in Wisconsin, among other travesties. But Libya is an important story as dominoes continue to fall in Africa and the Middle East, and as other countries face the threat of similar revolutions. First of all, I don’t have the same rosy view that some commentators do, as they rejoice in the ascendancy of what they call democracy. As I… Read more »

Christian Morality: A Harmful Infection?

Let me introduce you to Owen and Eunice Johns. They live in the UK and have taken care of 15 foster children since 1992. Social workers have praised them as “kind and hospitable people” who “respond sensitively” to the children who have made a home with them. When they applied again to have another foster child, they ran into a snag. You see, the Johns are devoted Christians who happen to believe that homosexuality is “against God’s law and morals.”… Read more »

Coming Out of the Marriage Closet

President Obama has finally decided to be honest. Ever since he began running for president, he invented the fiction that he was not in favor of homosexual marriage. After all, saying you approve of marriage between two men or two women was not a vote-getter in states where he had to appear as a moderate. Now he has come out of the closet, so to speak. On Wednesday, the Obama administration announced that it would no longer defend the Defense… Read more »

Battles in the Ongoing War

The attempt to reverse our nation’s plunge into moral and fiscal insanity is on. This is a war [pardon my “violent” language] and there are many battles to be fought on multiple fronts. Republicans in Congress are doing their part. Governors such as Scott Walker in Wisconsin are as well. Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed a number of welcome measures: The Pence Amendment, defunding Planned Parenthood, passed 240-185. The King Amendment, defunding Obamacare implementation, was approved 241-187 [three additional… Read more »

Funding an Abomination

Planned Parenthood was in the news this past week. An undercover sting videoed a PP clinic manager in New Jersey coaching two individuals presenting themselves as a pimp and an underage prostitute on how to cover up their illicit business. This type of thing is not unusual at Planned Parenthood. A few years ago, someone recorded a phone conversation with a clinic employee in which the caller said he wanted to donate to the organization, but he wanted his money… Read more »

A Contrast, Not a Comparison

A new theme being promoted by some in the media and, implicitly, by the Obama administration itself, is the similarity between the current occupant of the people’s White House and Ronald Reagan. Time magazine was up front with the linkage this week on its cover: Well, I would like to do a comparison myself. Let’s start with the economy. Both Reagan and Obama inherited a mess. Reagan’s solution was to reduce the tax burden on citizens and cut back on… Read more »

Reagan Symposium

Yesterday was Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday celebration. Yes, he wasn’t here to participate in the remembrance, but I believe he was watching. I attended a fine Reagan Symposium at Regent University in Virginia Beach. This is an annual event that attracts the best Reagan/conservative scholars in America. The most well-known speakers, due to television exposure, were Michael Barone and Bill Kristol. Stephen Hayward, who has authored two massive volumes on the age of Reagan, was there, as was George Nash,… Read more »