Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

The Appropriate Response to the Death of bin Laden

I’ve had a couple of different questions directed at me after the news of Osama bin Laden’s death. Let me use my post today to give my perspective on these questions. One of the questions is ancient—not new at all—dealing with the concept of a “just war.” There has been a strand of Christian thought that rejects the idea that any war is just. This viewpoint, normally labeled pacifism, says it is always wrong to take up arms regardless of… Read more »

Qualifications for the Presidency

I’m glad President Obama is an American citizen. Otherwise, we would have had a major constitutional confrontation on our hands. There would have been a multitude of voices declaring that the provision in the Constitution that requires the president to be a natural-born citizen is discriminatory and should be ignored. The saddest part is that they might have won with that argument, given our national ambivalence toward fidelity to our Founding documents. So Obama has met the minimum requirements for… Read more »

Worthwhile Reading

If you have been a regular reader of this blog, you can’t have escaped noticing that two of my academic interests are Ronald Reagan and Whittaker Chambers. I have worked for a number of years on a book comparing the two; the manuscript is finished now, and I’m in the process of trying to find a publisher. That may be a backward way of writing a book, but I never knew when or if I would actually have time to… Read more »

Old, Tired Rhetoric

It gets old. What am I talking about? The old, tired rhetoric from the Left that tries to convince Americans that conservatives and/or rich people are to blame for everything. First, a little perspective correction: not all conservatives are rich. Many of those rich people are liberals. Ask any Kennedy or Rockefeller serving in politics whether they have ever had to work in a factory. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are liberals as well. Let’s do away with the easy… Read more »

The Albatross & the Trump Card

Two businessmen are making noise as presidential contenders: Mitt Romney and Donald Trump. Both have serious flaws. I know my opinion of them will not sit well with everyone, but I always strive to be as open as possible about my views, realizing that I could be wrong, but believing that it is important to air legitimate concerns. For Mitt Romney, this is a second time around; he fell short in 2008, but now feels the time is right for… Read more »

Obama vs. Ryan

Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has gone where few congressmen have dared to tread—into the thicket of budget/entitlement reform. Ryan has proposed a bold plan for revamping the way Congress handles its financial responsibilities; he calls it “The Path to Prosperity.” In it, he tackles most of the weighty problems of our massive debt and tries to show a way out of it without raising taxes. His path leads to energizing American entrepreneurship and significantly reducing the debt over the… Read more »

Defunding Planned Parenthood

Every serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 has gone on record as supportive of the current House Republicans’ effort to defund Planned Parenthood. They speak as one voice on this issue, as they well should. Recent episodes of Planned Parenthood’s misdeeds have spurred this movement, but all one has to do is investigate the history of its founder, Margaret Sanger, and the policies it has followed ever since, to know that it is one of the most… Read more »