Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

Ignoring the Rule of Law: The Obama Version

To me, the most dangerous idea coming out of Washington right now is not any particular law like Obamacare; it’s the attitude behind it, the belief that our constitutional form of government is not to be respected. President Obama has brought to the forefront this attitude with his recent declaration that he’s not going to wait for Congress to act, that he will do whatever he can to advance his political agenda, even if Congress disagrees. His latest iteration of… Read more »

Income Inequality, Faulty Reasoning, & Bad Policy

We’re hearing a lot of talk again lately about income inequality. President Obama, in what I believe is an attempt to take the focus off the failure of his signature healthcare law, has come out swinging against those who succeed too much. The impression he wishes to leave is that the reason some are doing poorly is because others are too successful. This is an old ploy. It goes back to Karl Marx, at least, who theorized that the rich… Read more »

Three Branches, Not One

Most political commentators, whether liberal or conservative, have formed a consensus about the latest State of the Union Address: it was too long and it is not going to go down in history as memorable. What we heard is what I anticipated—the same old thing we’ve heard for five years, topped off with a hubris that leaves one shaking one’s head over how anyone can come across as that arrogant. Amidst all the foolish and/or dangerous comments and ideas in… Read more »

What’s Race Got To Do With It?

President Obama’s approval rating continues to drop. He’s in George W. Bush territory now, with the only thing keeping him from dropping further is the fanatical loyalty of those Americans who will cling to him no matter what he does. Why has he dropped so far? If you ask him, he’ll tell you the reason is racism. In fact, he recently commented, There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea… Read more »

Cuomo: No Welcome Mat for Conservatives

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, made a rather startling statement in a radio interview recently. Speaking of the nature of the Republican party—of which he apparently claims to be an expert—he said a battle is raging within the party between moderates and extremists. He identified those “extremists” in the following words: Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are, and they’re the… Read more »

The Senate Benghazi Report: Assigning Blame

Periodically, the American public needs to be reminded that on September 11, 2012, four Americans—including the ambassador to Libya—were murdered in Benghazi. Investigations into what happened, who was responsible for the lack of security, why the military sent no help, who was involved in the attack, etc., have been ongoing. One of the main problems with getting answers is that the Obama administration has refused to cooperate fully. Some people who were on the ground in Libya and others in… Read more »

The Gates Book

Robert Gates is a man who has served faithfully on defense issues in administrations from Nixon to the present one. He has worked with both Republican and Democrat presidents and has built a reputation of steadfastness and integrity respected by both sides of the political world. He has now decided to let his thoughts out on what it was like to be secretary of defense for both the George W. Bush and Obama administrations. Gates’s new book, Duty: Memoirs of… Read more »