Category: Christians & Culture

Commentary, from a Biblical perspective, on current events that are primarily cultural. There may be some overlap with politics and government, but the emphasis is on broader societal developments apart from politics, which also includes analysis of specific individuals.

Movie Review: Letters to God

I always approach films written primarily for Christian audiences with some trepidation. Many have been subpar in production values. One of the best to date has been Fireproof. Now the same director, David Nixon, this time with professional actors, has upped the ante. Letters to God, written by a father who lost a son to cancer, uses his experience as the basis for a movie about a young boy dealing with the disease. His response is to write letters to… Read more »

Humility and Authority

John Ashcroft was Attorney General of the United States when 9/11 occurred. In that position, he was the man primarily responsible for making sure it didn’t happen again. What a heavy burden to bear. Congress passed the Patriot Act, and Ashcroft’s task was to ensure it was carried out faithfully yet cautiously, keeping in mind the rights of American citizens. In my opinion, he acted maturely in his efforts to deter terrorism while maintaining basic freedoms. Yesterday, I had the… Read more »

Why I Can't Be a Libertarian

I flirted with being a libertarian a number of years ago. After all, I definitely agreed with many of their policies. Two stand out: first, their commitment to the free market and limited government; second, their belief that government should not be in charge of education. I still agree with those policies. Over the years, though, I began to see more clearly that libertarianism and Christianity part company at a more fundamental level. Now, I realize that there are different types… Read more »

A Minority Voice

The title of this post may not lead where you think it does. I am the minority voice. There are others who agree with me on the subject at hand, but they are part of the minority as well—and according to the polls we are becoming even more of a minority. To what am I referring? The issue is homosexuality. My view, based on Biblical teaching, is that homosexual acts are not a matter of how one is born but… Read more »

A Glimpse of That Which Awaits

My post is going to be a little different today. Many who read these daily ponderings share my Christian faith, but I’m sure there are many who do not. Perhaps some are more focused on the political commentary and may even be a little impatient when I deviate from that to concentrate specifically on the Biblical worldview that undergirds all my perceptions on politics and government. Well, today I’m really going to deviate. Some of you may find this marginally… Read more »

Righteous Anger

I spend a lot of time in this blog critiquing current events: our government and its policies; the unbalanced media coverage; the antichristian aspects of our culture; the way Christians sometimes go along with ungodly practices. It’s easy to get angry when you focus on such things. I can say, though, that most of the time it’s not anger that motivates me, but anguish over the path we have taken as a society—a sadness that we are throwing away the… Read more »

Praising [and Disparaging] the Media

When it came time for me to make a decision about my college major [this was about one lifetime ago], I didn’t jump at a history degree. In fact, even though I liked reading history, I was turned off by the poor quality of teachers I’d had for that subject. Instead, I majored in radio, television, and film production. My reasoning? I listened to the radio constantly, and I was a devotee of certain TV programs and movies. Pretty deep… Read more »