Category: Christians & Culture

Commentary, from a Biblical perspective, on current events that are primarily cultural. There may be some overlap with politics and government, but the emphasis is on broader societal developments apart from politics, which also includes analysis of specific individuals.

The Pro-Life Apologetic

A Woman’s Choice, our local Christian pregnancy center, which helps women with what we normally call crisis pregnancies, provides for both material and spiritual needs. Last night, the center had its annual fundraising dinner—and it was truly a special event. The speaker was Scott Klusendorf, a lecturer on bioethics who debates on university campuses and other venues, showing the validity of the pro-life position, morally and scientifically. I had never heard him speak before, so I didn’t know quite what… Read more »

Place the Blame Where It Belongs

Rev. Terry Jones, the Florida pastor of a tiny church of “let’s burn a Koran” fame, finally decided to do it. He burned one Koran. Word somehow got out to Afghanistan where the natural response of an Islamic mob was to attack the UN headquarters and begin killing people. It was not just a one-day affair; it might be continuing still. At least two of the people killed were beheaded. Somehow, because of that pastor, the United States has become… Read more »

Evil and Good, Darkness and Light

Today I want to take a break from a specific current event, from cartoons, from book reviews, from links to other articles. Instead, I want to share a few thoughts from what I read in the Bible the other day. Going through the book of Isaiah, I came across a passage I’ve noted before, but one that deserves greater attention. It’s found in chapter five: Woe to those who drag iniquity with the cords of falsehood, and sin as if… Read more »

Pearls of Wisdom

Yesterday at Southeastern University was a good day. My department brought in as a special speaker Dr. Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief of World magazine, which serves as an excellent commentary on current events from a Biblical perspective. We kept Dr. Olasky quite busy. In the morning, he delivered a message in chapel that focused on how to analyze issues through a Biblical lens, showing that there are gradations in how directly the Scriptures apply to various situations. Some are obvious—abortion, homosexuality—while… Read more »

Southeastern’s Forum

The university where I teach, Southeastern, each year holds a Forum where leaders in various fields—Christian ministry, business, and politics—come and share their approach to leadership. It attracts well-known leaders, and is quickly becoming a heralded annual event. I attended most of the sessions last week and came away inspired by the stories and principles the speakers communicated. One of this year’s speakers was Franklin Graham, son of the famous evangelist. For those who don’t know, Graham not only oversees… Read more »

The Supreme Court Got It Right on Westboro

Yesterday’s post was on Libya because I had inquiries about my thoughts on that subject. Today’s post also stems from an inquiry, this time about a recent Supreme Court decision on freedom of speech involving the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas. It seems that most of its members are part of one extended family, and that there are fewer than 100 people in the congregation. I’m not really keen on calling this group a church because I don’t believe… Read more »

Christian Morality: A Harmful Infection?

Let me introduce you to Owen and Eunice Johns. They live in the UK and have taken care of 15 foster children since 1992. Social workers have praised them as “kind and hospitable people” who “respond sensitively” to the children who have made a home with them. When they applied again to have another foster child, they ran into a snag. You see, the Johns are devoted Christians who happen to believe that homosexuality is “against God’s law and morals.”… Read more »