Tag: progressivism

A Historian’s Perspective on Bad Times in American History

I don’t think there’s really any disagreement about how pessimistic the majority of Americans are about the future. Currently, all the polls reveal that pessimism.  As I survey the scene—the spiritual/moral, political, and cultural aspects [what does that leave?]—I have grave concerns as well. I plan to expound on those concerns in tomorrow’s post. But for now, I’d like to offer a historian’s perspective. Since I teach American history, I have a more in-depth knowledge of what has transpired previously…. Read more »

Progressives & the Constitution

I’m always somewhat amused when those of the liberal/progressive persuasion express outrage that the Constitution is not being followed. What is progressivism if not a denial of the original intent of the Constitution and of the rule of law? The progressive philosophy doesn’t recognize limitations on government power. The Constitution does. Article I, section 8, has a list of powers for the Congress that we call the enumerated powers. They are enumerated for a reason—they spell out specifically what Congress… Read more »