Tag: Jesus Christ

Living Vicariously

The inspiration for this post comes from a Facebook comment by one of my former students. After reading my Big Government article from last week, she commented that she lives vicariously. I thought that was rather humorous, probably coming, as it did, from her current experience as a mother of young children. That responsibility can dominate one’s life. The word “vicarious” may need some explanation. I’m used to hearing it because theologically it describes what Christ has done for us… Read more »

Is Patriotism Christian?

As I sat in church on Sunday, singing songs that melded the spiritual with the patriotic, and applauding members of the military who had fought to keep America free, I contemplated more than ever the distinction between this world and the next. There are some Christians who feel no loyalty to any country. They emphasize verses such as the one in the book of Hebrews, chapter eleven, which says of those who had been faithful to God yet never saw… Read more »

My Educational Philosophy: A Summary

As a university professor, I think a lot about what I should do in the classroom. What is the proper way to teach? How much do I let my beliefs enter into the subject? One of the biggest problems in many universities is when the classroom is used primarily as an indoctrination center for leftist ideology and all the trendy movements: multiculturalism, radical feminism, environmentalism (anyone notice an “ism” problem here?). The response of most conservatives has been to call… Read more »

Hubris Personified

Let’s highlight three astounding examples of hubris today—people who believe they know everything and/or they try to remake themselves without anybody noticing. Well, it’s not working; people are noticing. Our first example is Helen Thomas. If you haven’t heard about her fiasco, you’re probably not watching any news at all. The video of her telling Jews in Israel to “get the hell out” and go back to Poland or Germany has burned up the internet. The firestorm led to her… Read more »

A Meditation on Knowledge & Wisdom

I spent many years earning a doctorate in history. When I began that quest, I had turned my back on the Christian faith. I wondered if the world of academia could provide the answers. One master’s degree, a multitude of courses, and three comprehensive exams later—all prior to the doctoral dissertation—finally convinced me that the educated elite were just as clueless as the rest of the world. “Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater… Read more »

A Personal Plea

As anyone who has read this blog regularly knows, I am a vigorous defender of the American Constitution, the free enterprise system, and the current peaceful protests and movements to educate the American people on the problems brought about by the Obama administration. I have used a combination of statements that I believe are based on principle with the best political cartoons to illustrate our situation. The foundation for everything I say is my Christian faith, and I strive to… Read more »

The Shroud and Faith

Yesterday was Resurrection Day [Easter to many]. On Saturday evening, I had the opportunity to watch a special on the History Channel on the Shroud of Turin. I don’t know how many in my reading audience are knowledgeable about the Shroud, but as you can see on the left, it is the image of a man who was wrapped in a burial shroud. If you could see all the details, you would realize this man was scourged over all his… Read more »