Tag: Boehner

Planned Parenthood: Defund Now

What does it take to inform the American people of a holocaust? Planned Parenthood performs approximately 330,000 abortions annually, yet surveys show that while the organization has a near 100% name identity, only about 45% of those questioned know that its primary function is to promote abortion. Now that’s not what the organization says, of course. It’s all for “women’s health.” Cecile Richards, the head of this butcher shop, went on ABC’s “This Week” for an interview, in which she… Read more »

Netanyahu’s Historic Warning

Yesterday, while watching Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress, I felt as if I were a participant in a historic event of the same stature as Ronald Reagan’s “Evil Empire” and “Tear Down This Wall” speeches. Even as Reagan confronted the evil of totalitarian communism, Netanyahu forcefully focused our attention on the current totalitarian evil of radical Islamism. Reagan succeeded in toppling the Evil Empire and the Wall came down. Will Netanyahu’s speech lead us to a… Read more »

Rejoicing Over What Has Gone Right

I’ve decided to devote today’s post to praise for a number of things that have gone right lately. It’s always easy to critique the development of current events, given the Obama administration’s penchant for upending the Constitution and Biblical morality, so it’s nice to point out the other side for a change. All of these praises today come, surprisingly, as a result of Supreme Court decisions. After the agony of the Court’s rulings on Obamacare and the Defense of Marriage… Read more »


Speaker John Boehner says President Obama “checked out” of being president quite a while ago. Instead, he has been in full campaign mode. He’s jetting around the country on Air Force One, paid for by the taxpayers, holding one rally after another. Of course, at every stop he schedules one event he can claim is policy-oriented. This provides wonderful cover for the real purpose of his travels. Why pay for campaigning with one’s own money when one can use the… Read more »

Coming Out of the Marriage Closet

President Obama has finally decided to be honest. Ever since he began running for president, he invented the fiction that he was not in favor of homosexual marriage. After all, saying you approve of marriage between two men or two women was not a vote-getter in states where he had to appear as a moderate. Now he has come out of the closet, so to speak. On Wednesday, the Obama administration announced that it would no longer defend the Defense… Read more »

Return of the Constitution

I remember standing in the freezing rain outside the Capitol on inaugural day 2001, watching George W. Bush replace Bill Clinton as president. It’s hard to describe the relief that swept through the crowd once he took the oath of office. Eight years of one of the sleaziest episodes in American presidential history had mercifully come to an end. I wasn’t present on Wednesday when the Republicans once again took control of the House of Representatives, but something similar to… Read more »