Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

America’s Disappearing Act

The big news this weekend was the major march in Paris to show solidarity against terrorism. More than one million people showed up. Included in that assemblage were forty heads of state, even those who have issues with one another, such as Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. One nation’s leader was noticeably absent. More on that in a minute. While I don’t want to downplay the significance of that many people showing up—and so many… Read more »

Happy New Year? Will Government Help or Hurt?

The last two days I’ve looked at the role of Christians and the moral/cultural climate as we peer into 2015. I’ve said that the key to this being a happier year is whether real Christians take their task as salt and light seriously. Then I dissected the trend of the culture morally, showing the immense job we have ahead of us. Today, let’s consider government’s role, and what it does, either to help reverse current trends or push us further… Read more »

Our Blind Guide

President Obama, a couple of days ago, in a speech trying to justify his edict on immigration policy, brought the Bible to his side for support. I quote: “The good book says, don’t throw stones in glass houses.” Now, if you are biblically illiterate, that will sound good. The only problem—probably only a minor one in his mind—is that there is no such verse in the Bible. Before he was president, he gave another speech in which he drew attention… Read more »

Good & Evil: Democrat Version

The Senate Democrats have released their report on America’s enhanced interrogation techniques. Most of this was already known; the timing is somewhat suspect. The hypocrisy blatant. Sen. Diane Feinstein, the driving force behind the report, has now told all enemies that they don’t have to worry about how we treat them, and that we are totally “transparent.” The CIA is castigated in this report for using techniques that might harm known terrorists—people who want to kill more Americans. The reason… Read more »

Personal Accountability & Ferguson

The smoke (literally) has not cleared totally on the Ferguson riots. Since I wrote my blog a couple of days ago, protesters/criminals have continued to cause problems. The National Guard, which was conspicuously not called in by Missouri governor Nixon on the night of the grand jury decision, has helped calm the area, working in tandem with the police and state law enforcement officials. That’s probably not what most National Guardsmen signed up for. Our military is supposed to protect… Read more »

Ferguson & the Rule of Law

At about 9:15 last night, I, along with countless other Americans, started listening to St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch provide the factual information that led the grand jury to refuse to indict police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. McCulloch went to great pains to explain that decision. He also went into the kind of detail that prosecutors don’t normally go into publicly in an attempt to appeal to the reasonable portion of… Read more »

God Save Us

It is now confirmed that another American has been beheaded by ISIS. Peter Kassig, a former Army Ranger who then became an aid worker in Syria, is the latest Westerner to die trying to help people in dire need. ISIS then released a statement saying that it intends to bring the war to the streets of America. Is it an idle threat? Not in their minds. And if we dismiss it as fantasy, we will regret that cavalier response. Too… Read more »