Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

The Production of Wealth

President Obama to Wall Street this week: “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.” I always want to approach the topic of wealth from as Biblical a viewpoint as possible. First, I recall a couple of verses in Deuteronomy 8, where we are told, “You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you… Read more »

Government Controlling Itself?

I don’t have a problem with government. I believe it is a God-ordained institution that is to protect citizens of a nation. Whenever it stays within those boundaries, it is a servant of God. What I do have a problem with is government out of control. James Madison, the Father of the Constitution and one of the principal authors of the Federalist Papers, in discussing the reason for the checks and balances incorporated into the federal government, noted in Federalist… Read more »

The Lakeland Tea Party

The nature of my post will be a little different today. I just want to provide some local flavor from the Lakeland, Florida, Tea Party. I arrived about 6:00 p.m. and took the following picture of the gathering crowd downtown. Hundreds were present listening to the speakers. The lakeside setting was perfect. Republican candidate for Congress Dennis Ross was the final speaker. I’ve gotten to know Dennis a little; I’m impressed with his devotion to the Constitution and knowledge of… Read more »

Humility and Authority

John Ashcroft was Attorney General of the United States when 9/11 occurred. In that position, he was the man primarily responsible for making sure it didn’t happen again. What a heavy burden to bear. Congress passed the Patriot Act, and Ashcroft’s task was to ensure it was carried out faithfully yet cautiously, keeping in mind the rights of American citizens. In my opinion, he acted maturely in his efforts to deter terrorism while maintaining basic freedoms. Yesterday, I had the… Read more »

Party of Which People?

I’ve always found it somewhat comical that the Democratic party refers to itself as the party of the people. Historically, it has been the Democrats who have pushed the idea that the government, not individuals, knows best. It started with Woodrow Wilson. He was devoted to the idea that the Constitution was a “living” document that politicians and judges could alter at will. During WWI, Wilson took almost complete control of the American economy, even to the point of nationalizing… Read more »

Education: Serious Problems

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned the push for the federal government to take over all student loans for college students. In case you missed it, that was tacked on to the healthcare bill. It’s now apparently going to be reality. For those unaccustomed to how Congress works, let me explain that it has become routine to attach unrelated items to a bill. Healthcare and student loans? They go together . . . how? I will repeat the major concern… Read more »

Presidential Dictatorship

There was a time in the 20th century when it appeared that a president was setting up a virtual one-man/one-party rule. That time was the 1930s; the president was Franklin Roosevelt. He took office in the midst of the Great Depression and immediately began signing bill after bill to ostensibly take care of the disastrous economy. Many of the bills he signed had new agencies attached to them. They were called his Alphabet Agencies, and his New Deal marked a… Read more »