Category: Christians & Culture

Commentary, from a Biblical perspective, on current events that are primarily cultural. There may be some overlap with politics and government, but the emphasis is on broader societal developments apart from politics, which also includes analysis of specific individuals.

The Growing Conflict

I’ve written previously about the conflict that is growing over the liberty to publicly maintain the view that homosexuality is not an acceptable alternative lifestyle. Christians who hold to Biblical teaching on homosexuality are going to be increasingly under fire. Two cases in point are in the news right now, and both deal with college education. Julea Ward was a graduate student at Eastern Michigan University. I emphasize was because she was expelled from the university’s graduate program in school… Read more »

Issues: No Dichotomy

The issue that first got many evangelicals involved in politics was abortion. After that, it was a threat to private schools from the IRS. Those were both in the 1970s. As the 1980s progressed, so did the “gay rights” agenda. That has increasingly received attention. All of these are sometimes categorized as the “social issues.” Commentators often talk about those being the hot-button issues for evangelicals because they are focused on problems of morality. I cannot argue with that. They… Read more »

It Matters How You Get There

I’ve enjoyed contributing posts to the Big Government site. Through those, I have made a number of pleasant contacts with readers who have sent me e-mails. It’s also gratifying to write on people and issues that I consider significant. I’ve noticed some trends in the comments on the site to my posts. First, I seem to draw out atheists. Now, I’ve hardly given an altar call; it seems all one needs to do is just mention God in a positive… Read more »

Is Patriotism Christian?

As I sat in church on Sunday, singing songs that melded the spiritual with the patriotic, and applauding members of the military who had fought to keep America free, I contemplated more than ever the distinction between this world and the next. There are some Christians who feel no loyalty to any country. They emphasize verses such as the one in the book of Hebrews, chapter eleven, which says of those who had been faithful to God yet never saw… Read more »

Supreme Decisions

This seems to be Supreme Court week. First, we have the confirmation hearings for Elena Kagan, then two decisions are handed down by the Court that have significant ramifications, one for good, the other just the opposite. The good: the Second Amendment has survived the scrutiny of the Court—how nice of them to decide it’s really there. By a slim 5-4 decision, the Court declared that the right to keep and bear arms applies to states and cities, too, thereby… Read more »

Highly Recommended

In the past few weeks, while writing a book, keeping up with this daily blog, posting on Big Government, teaching a class every Sunday, and continuing to watch over the department I chair at the university—I actually read a couple of books, too. I’d like to recommend them. Back in January, I wrote about a novel called Deadline by Randy Alcorn. It was thought-provoking and decidedly Christian in its philosophy. You can go back to January 9 to see that… Read more »

To Save the Innocent

Last night I attended a fundraiser for an organization devoted to the pro-life cause. A Woman’s Choice is a center in Lakeland, Florida, where pregnant women considering abortion can go to get an ultrasound and practical help for bringing a new life into the world. But it doesn’t stop there; the center also offers aid after the child is born, teaching parenting skills and leading these women [and men] into a relationship with the Lord. Being pro-life is more than… Read more »