Bigotry & Pride

I knew when I wrote yesterday about the homosexual appointments Obama has made in his administration that I might get some negative feedback. As I said, I broached the subject with open eyes.

I did receive one comment, and I debated whether or not to post it, but eventually decided against it. While I have no problem discussing differences of opinion, those opinions must be stated in a way that doesn’t descend into name-calling. I will, however, address the two major complaints in the comment.

First, I was accused of bigotry. The reason: I want to exclude homosexuals from jobs even if they are qualified for them. This accusation is based on the premise that homosexuality is perfectly natural, and is equivalent to being black or Hispanic or some other minority. Consequently, refusing to hire a homosexual is discrimination.

From that perspective, it would make sense. However, here’s the rub, and it’s not one that’s going to be resolved unless major assumptions are altered: I don’t consider homosexuality to be natural, but unnatural; I don’t consider it to be genetic, but a choice. That choice, Biblically, is immoral.

Now, if I am in the position of hiring someone for any job, anywhere, I will always take into account a candidate’s moral character as well as skills. Both are essential. I don’t view homosexuality as worse than other sins. If someone is a perpetual liar, I won’t hire him. If someone is sexually immoral in heterosexual relationships, neither will I hire that person. All sin ultimately destroys—the individual first, as well as others with whom they come into contact. It doesn’t matter if that sin is gossip, arrogance, or sexual, I won’t want that person working for me.

The main problem I have with Obama’s appointments is that he is doing this as part of an activist agenda to make homosexuality more accepted. Beyond that, most of the people he hires who are homosexual are part of the in-your-face crowd who want to force this on society. They will also use their positions to promote the agenda. In the end, this is bad for the society; it leads us in a direction that deviates even further from God’s moral standards of conduct.

The second accusation is that I am proud. Believe me, I realize the temptation for that sin, and I and all other Christians have to be continually on guard against it. But my accuser doesn’t know my background. There was a time in my life when I rebelled against God and His standards. This rebellion lasted for a number of years. I was just as much a lost sinner as anyone who is currently advocating the homosexual lifestyle. My sin was not homosexuality, but it was just as bad in God’s eyes—all sin separates from God; all sin is destructive of the good He intends for us.

I deserved to be separated from God for all eternity. I make no excuses for my actions during that time. I was wrong; God’s standards were right.

When He finally got my attention, there was no pride involved. I had to acknowledge my sin and turn from it. After I received His forgiveness, I had nothing to be proud of. The only reason I had a second chance was entirely due to His mercy. Today, I don’t talk about following the Lord as a matter of pride; rather, I live my life in gratitude for the opportunities He has given me to communicate His truth.

And the main reason for communicating His truth is to help others see that He can bring them out of the pit they have dug for themselves.

When I speak about homosexuality, it comes from a heart of wanting to help salvage lost lives. A pastor friend of mine has a saying I’ve never forgotten: a Christian is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.

The only reason I ever mention the issue of homosexuality is because it has become such a hot-button topic in our culture, pushed by those who want to normalize it. I can never stand by and allow that without comment.