Tag: Declaration of Independence

Reaffirming a Right and Proper Independence

July 2, 1776—The Continental Congress declares the independence of the United States of America. July 4, 1776—The final wording of the Declaration of Independence is agreed upon by the Congress. July 8, 1776—The newly printed Declaration of Independence is read publicly in cities and towns across the new nation. It took another seven years of toil and agony to realize that Declaration’s premise: the United States, with inalienable rights given by God, took its place among the other nations of… Read more »

Today Is Independence Day

Some might be confused by the title of my blog today, but it’s true that independence for the fledgling United States was declared on July 2, 1776. That’s the day the Continental Congress voted decisively to separate from Great Britain. John Adams, in writing to his wife Abigail, exulted that July 2 would be the great day of liberty celebrated by future generations. He was correct as to the day we ought to celebrate, but July 4 became the focal… Read more »

Heroes vs. Famous Faces

Two big events in Washington, DC, this week. The first was the presidential inauguration; the second will be the annual March for Life on Friday. The first got a lot of coverage; the second won’t get nearly as much. Yet the second event is far more significant spiritually. While the inaugural address gave lip service to the ideal of the right to life as stated in the Declaration of Independence, the March for Life is the public face for those… Read more »

A Very Unusual Fourth of July

As I stated in a previous post, July 2 was the day independence passed in the Continental Congress. It was important, though, to come up with a statement that declared to the world the reasons for the decision. That statement, initially called “A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America in General Congress Assembled,” is the document we now simply entitle “The Declaration of Independence.” Since it was approved on July 4, 1776, people began to celebrate… Read more »

John Adams & Independence

When Americans think about our independence historically, they most often think of Thomas Jefferson, since he was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. Yet Jefferson never really participated in the verbal battles at the Continental Congress. He was the quiet guy in the corner. The man who most forcefully forwarded the argument for independence was John Adams. Adams also was part of the committee that was tasked with coming up with a declaration should it become necessary. Since… Read more »

Celebrating Independence Day

Happy Independence Day to everyone. No, I haven’t lost my mind. July 2, 1776, is the date independence was approved by the Continental Congress. We get it mixed up with the day the Declaration of Independence was agreed upon. So the real birthday of the United States is July 2; July 4 just provided the proper wording to tell the world what had occurred. On July 1, word was sent to Delaware delegate Caesar Rodney to get back to Philadelphia… Read more »

A Word of Wisdom from the Past

A voice from the American past has a message for us today. His name was James Garfield, who was elected president in 1880. Four years earlier, on the centennial anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, Congressman Garfield—who also was an ordained Disciples of Christ minister—offered this sage insight in a speech commemorating American independence: Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because… Read more »