Tag: socialism

The Redistributionist President

Barack Obama was in full socialistic, redistributionist mode yesterday. At a speech before an audience at the “progressive” Center for American Progress, he called income inequality a “defining challenge” for the U.S. Memories of his comments to Joe the Plumber flood the mind. First of all, one must ignore the fact that income inequality has only increased on his watch; so if that’s what he calls a defining challenge, he’s obviously failed at meeting it. For someone like Obama, it… Read more »

My Contribution to the International Socialist Movement

It’s time for me to confess. I’m a member of the international socialist movement. I must be because I’ve now written for the movement’s website. Are you surprised? No more so than I. The bizarre facts to follow. I’ve been on Twitter now for a few months. You never know who is going to retweet you or how connections are sometimes made. I discovered last night through the “connect” section that the American Socialists were trumpeting their online site, complete… Read more »

The Obamacare Rollout

Every once in a while, I get to a place where I would like to move on to a different topic in my daily commentaries, yet it would seem best to stay on the topic that dominates the news cycle. We’re at one of those places today. Obamacare is so central to what’s happening—or not happening, in this case—that I feel practically compelled to comment on it again. The reason is the truly incompetent unveiling of the program. Not that… Read more »

The Abandonment of Biblical Education

I’ve been cataloging the biggest failures of the church in our day, beginning with a watered-down salvation message, then on to our lack of renewed minds when it comes to putting the faith into practice, allowing worldly thinking to dominate. There’s one more leg on the three-legged stool of failure—the abandonment of Biblical education. In early America, most education was centered in the church or home, and the lion’s share of the home-schooled portion of society was Christian also. That… Read more »

9/11 & the Two Visions of America

Can anything new be said on the anniversary of 9/11? Maybe we don’t need to hear anything new; perhaps we just need to be reminded that there are those out there who hate us. However, what is meant by “us?” America, you say? Yes, in the abstract, but what comprises America anymore? Do I with my Biblical worldview represent the true America, or do Planned Parenthood—as one example—and Barack Obama constitute the real America? On 9/11, eleven years ago today,… Read more »

Winning the Semantic Battle

I comment frequently to my students that if you win the semantic battle, you can often win the war. How you frame yourself or your belief system/cause is extremely important, and if you can create an image that is positive, while not being dishonest, you can draw people to your side. Unfortunately, that also works for those with less integrity. Margaret Sanger, for instance, the great promoter of eugenics and lowering the birth rates of those she deemed “human weeds,”… Read more »

Laboring with Gratitude

Labor Day 2011. Is this really something I want to celebrate? Let me begin Biblically with a passage that speaks to the concept of work and wealth creation. It’s from Deuteronomy 8:16-18: In the wilderness He fed you manna which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do good for you in the end. Otherwise, you may say in your heart, “My power and the strength of my hand made… Read more »