Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

Representative Government: An Insight from C. S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis didn’t write extensively on government, but when he did, he had insight into the basics. He uses the word “democracy” in the following quote, whereas I would prefer “representative government,” but his point is crystal clear and right on the mark: I am a democrat because I believe in the Fall of Man. I think most people are democrats for the opposite reason. A great deal of democratic enthusiasm descends from the ideas of people like Rousseau,… Read more »

The Justice Department’s Violation of Parental Rights

Where does our government stand on parental rights, particularly the right to choose how to educate one’s children? A case going through the courts provides a sobering answer. This case stems from a German family, the Romeikes, who came to the United States for political asylum. These Christian parents wanted to homeschool their children, but it was against German law. Any German citizen disobeying this law is subject to fines, jail sentences, and loss of custody of their own children…. Read more »

Losing Our Minds–Part III

Common sense and a knowledge of history both favor allowing “new blood” into a society, particularly those who will work hard, obey the laws, increase productivity, and increase the moral fiber of that society. Immigration has been good for the United States. All of us currently living here—including the Native Americans—are descendants of immigrants. Never in the history of the world has a country been so inviting of new people, and from diverse backgrounds. I have to say all that… Read more »

Losing Our Minds–Part II

As I said yesterday, I’ve been meditating on just how foolish we have become as a people. It’s as if our common sense has left us. Another area where this foolishness is on display is with this new round of gun-control mania. New York passed new legislation making it the strictest state against gun ownership, but California is now making a run for the title. According to a recent article, Democrats there have unveiled a new package of legislation that… Read more »

Losing Our Minds–Part I

As I was contemplating what to write about today, and perusing the various possibilities, I was struck by a “constant” that seems to run through a number of issues. That “constant” is our apparent loss of common sense—our unwillingness to allow logic to enter into our analyses. We are, in effect, losing our collective minds as a nation. I plan to treat each issue separately as we go through this week. Today’s topic is the looming specter of Obamacare. Let’s… Read more »

The Wisdom of Ronald Reagan

Yesterday was Ronald Reagan’s birthday. He would have been 102. Many of us long to have a president like him again. To commemorate his presidency and to remind you of his insights, I hereby present an excerpt from one of his most famous speeches. In 1983, he spoke to the National Association of Evangelicals, where he blatantly called the Soviet Union an evil empire. He was correct. Yet, beyond that, I hope you can see the heart of the man… Read more »

The Narcissistic Personality in a Position of Power

In church last Sunday, my pastor spoke about people who are fundamentally narcissistic, which is just another way of saying people are principally self-centered, i.e., sinful. As he was going down a list of traits for the narcissistic personality, my wife and I immediately related it to our most prominent political figure. Here’s the list of the manifestations of narcissistic personality disorder. See if you can catch the drift to whom this might apply. According to a medical encyclopedia, narcissistic… Read more »