Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

Stop This Proposal

There’s another proposal from the Obama administration that hasn’t gotten much play in the media, but which I consider the death knell for Christian colleges, if it becomes reality. The proposal is simply this: put the government in charge of all student loans for education. Rather than simply guaranteeing loans obtained through private banks, Obama wants the government itself to be the source for those loans. Why is this a problem? Well, the current situation is already a burden to… Read more »

Honoring the Government

Let me clarify something today. I can almost hear some readers of this blog thinking, “He criticizes the president and Congress so much that he can’t really have any respect for the government.” The opposite is true. I have the highest regard for the federal government. This comes from a reading of the Constitution, the debates over its ratification, and the character of many of those who helped bring it to pass. I believe the form of government set up… Read more »

The Kingdom of Congress

Let’s pause briefly for a recalibration of our thinking. We spend a lot of time contemplating what Congress is doing—new pieces of legislation, the strategies for passing them, etc. Stop and remember something: Congress was originally set up with very limited powers. The United States Constitution did not erect a tribunal that could legislate on any matter it deemed fit. In Article One, Section 4, we find the following wording: “The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year.”… Read more »

College Republicans Dinner

I don’t usually put a lot of personal photos on this blog, but I will make an exception today. Last night was a great dinner for the Southeastern University College Republicans. I’m faculty sponsor for the organization and am proud [in the proper sense] of their commitment and desire to make a difference. Our special speaker for the dinner was Dennis Ross, who is the leading Republican candidate for Congress in our district. He spoke about the character qualities we… Read more »

A Minority Voice

The title of this post may not lead where you think it does. I am the minority voice. There are others who agree with me on the subject at hand, but they are part of the minority as well—and according to the polls we are becoming even more of a minority. To what am I referring? The issue is homosexuality. My view, based on Biblical teaching, is that homosexual acts are not a matter of how one is born but… Read more »

Principles & Character

Last night, I spoke to a group of Christian educators from all over the state of Florida, meeting in Orlando. The subject was the role of principles and character in American political history. My goal was to show when Christian character and Biblical principles came to the forefront of public policy and when they were ignored. Blessings flowed from the first; consequences from the latter. It was a survey from the time of Woodrow Wilson, who championed the false idea… Read more »

Government Control of the Economy: A Primer

A primer is something that provides elementary lessons; it teaches the basics. There is a segment of the American public that needs a primer on what happens when the government tries its hand at directing the economy. Personally, I think the lessons are quite obvious, but ignorance is widespread. The first lesson is that our political leaders [depending on who is in charge, of course] often believe that government spending is the key to prosperity. In fact, President Obama has… Read more »