Month: August 2009

American Character: Patrick Henry

Nearly everyone knows the name Patrick Henry. But we are a nation of people only barely acquainted with our Founders. There is little depth to that knowledge. Henry was a man who was motivated by his Christian faith, something some historians try to deny. As a young boy, he was taken to the revival meetings of the First Great Awakening by his mother. It was at these meetings that he learned his method of public speaking, an approach that made… Read more »

Pride Goes Before . . . What Was That Again?

I’m grateful for the example of Calvin Coolidge. Yes, you read that correctly. A man who is ridiculed by all the “right” people actually was one of the most faithful to the Constitution. And he also realized the danger of holding political power. He declined to run again for the presidency in 1928. His reason? Read this carefully and appreciate what he is saying: It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are… Read more »

Freedom of Speech

Speaking at a rally in Virginia last week, President Obama called on those who are concerned about his healthcare proposal to stop talking and get out of the way. He wants his plan to go through without any real debate. The White House also asked people to send them names of those who are spreading what they call “disinformation” on healthcare. Ostensibly, this is so they can correct the “disinformation,” but there is a dangerous side to this as well…. Read more »

Another Reason

In yesterday’s post, I offered my rationale for why liberal/socialistic policies are not consistent with a Biblical worldview. That, for me, is foundational. My decisions rest on whether something passes the Biblical principle test. However, there is another reason for rejecting those policies. It can be summarized quite easily: they don’t work. They never have. They never will. The miserable condition of people who have lived under that system is plainly revealed in the Soviet Union and other countries that… Read more »