Pride Goes Before . . . What Was That Again?

I’m grateful for the example of Calvin Coolidge. Yes, you read that correctly. A man who is ridiculed by all the “right” people actually was one of the most faithful to the Constitution. And he also realized the danger of holding political power. He declined to run again for the presidency in 1928. His reason? Read this carefully and appreciate what he is saying:

It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are always surrounded by worshipers. They are constantly, and for the most part sincerely, assured of their greatness. They live in an artificial atmosphere of adulation and exaltation which sooner or later impairs their judgment. They are in grave danger of becoming careless and arrogant.

Thank you, President Coolidge, for that warning. There are a lot of people in power today who could benefit from your wisdom.

For instance, what about the attempt by the Congress to buy a fleet of jets for their leaders’ personal use? Why, it was only a mere $550 million—what’s the problem? Do we want them to fly commercial airliners like everyone else? That would reduce them to our level, which is absurd, is it not? Why shouldn’t taxpayers pay for their comfort?

Fortunately, there was enough uproar over that one that it crashed and burned.

What about a president who directly contradicts himself, even though videos prove he did say something previously? How does he think he can get away with such an obvious ploy?

The only way this type of hubris can be adequately explained is to resort once again to Coolidge’s words. He actually thinks he can get away with it because he lives in a bubble where everyone assures him of his greatness, and where he will not be held accountable for blatant lies.

I have commented previously that I believe Obama is one of the most arrogant, prideful men who has ever held the presidency. The attitude I perceive is something like this:

Now, some people may criticize my criticism by quoting Scripture: judge not that you be not judged. I take that warning seriously. When you point your finger at someone, you must be careful. But that Scripture, in context, says that the judging is wrong only if you are committing the same sin. That’s when you first concentrate on taking the log out of your own eye.

It’s not a joyful thing for me to talk about the president in this manner. I wish he could inspire confidence, but nearly everything he does is contrary to the Biblical principles I believe in ardently. And he does act as if he knows everything. That’s dangerous for him as well as for the nation, simply because pride goes before a fall. I don’t want this nation to fall. Let’s truly pray that arrogance and pride disappear from the councils of our government, and that reliance on the wisdom of the Lord will replace them.