Sage Advice from C. S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis was a professor of literature, not a historian. That doesn’t mean, though, that he didn’t have some sage advice for those in my line of study. For instance, here’s a bit of solid guidance for historians in an essay called “Horrid Red Things,” found in a volume called God in the Dock: A historian who has based his work on the misreading of a document may afterwards (when his mistake has been exposed) exercise great ingenuity in… Read more »

What About Impeachment?

Talk of impeachment is beginning. President Obama’s latest power grab, declaring publicly that he will act without Congress to get done what he considers his priorities, is rankling those who are committed to the delicate separation of powers established by the Constitution. Is this just talk? Are there sufficient grounds for impeachment? Is it even politically feasible? Impeaching a president is a big step. Two presidents have been formally impeached: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. A third, Richard Nixon, resigned… Read more »

Overwhelmed by the Magnitude of the Misdeeds

I can understand why many people choose to ignore the multitude of scandals associated with the Obama regime. There is a weariness that can overtake you if you try to keep up with them all. After a while, it’s easy to glaze over and seek relief. Neither do I wish to spend all my time thinking about evil and how it worms its way into every corner of our society. I would like nothing better than to stop writing about… Read more »

Finney: Popularity & Respect

Being popular as a preacher or teacher cannot be our goal. Here are some plain words from Charles Finney on that subject: My experience has been, that even in respect to personal popularity, “honesty is the best policy” in a minister; that if he means to maintain his hold upon the confidence, and respect, and affection of any people, he must be faithful to their souls. He must let them see that he is not courting them for any purpose… Read more »

Lewis: The Unfathomable Anguish of Hell

Regular readers of this blog know that each Saturday I pull quotes from the vast resource available from C. S. Lewis. The past couple of Saturdays, I’ve focused on his comments about hell. Why, some may wonder, would I dwell on that topic? One reason is that we live in a society that pretty much dismisses hell as a fantasy or, at best, an illustration of something more “real” but less frightening. Well, hell is real. And, if you take… Read more »

Ignoring the Rule of Law: The Obama Version

To me, the most dangerous idea coming out of Washington right now is not any particular law like Obamacare; it’s the attitude behind it, the belief that our constitutional form of government is not to be respected. President Obama has brought to the forefront this attitude with his recent declaration that he’s not going to wait for Congress to act, that he will do whatever he can to advance his political agenda, even if Congress disagrees. His latest iteration of… Read more »

Income Inequality, Faulty Reasoning, & Bad Policy

We’re hearing a lot of talk again lately about income inequality. President Obama, in what I believe is an attempt to take the focus off the failure of his signature healthcare law, has come out swinging against those who succeed too much. The impression he wishes to leave is that the reason some are doing poorly is because others are too successful. This is an old ploy. It goes back to Karl Marx, at least, who theorized that the rich… Read more »