Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

What Are We Supposed to Remember?

On this 8th commemoration of the terrorist attacks on this nation, I hope we haven’t forgotten some things. There really are evil people out there who want to destroy the United States. It’s going to take vigilance to maintain our security. We need to be united in our willingness to place the safety of our people ahead of our political interests. Defense is the first responsibility of any civil government. Without a Biblical foundation for our thinking, we will be… Read more »

It's the "Cult" Thing that Bothers Me Most

President Obama will speak to the schoolchildren of America today. Well, to most of them at least, but not as many as he had hoped. Many school districts are not participating, or at least making it optional. The furor over the speech has been rising. With all the distress over the speech, he decided not to say anything too controversial. He knows now he wouldn’t get away with urging the students to be part of his political agenda. Most of the problem… Read more »

What Was the Ted Kennedy Legacy?

Ted Kennedy died of brain cancer yesterday. He was in the Senate for 47 years. As a Kennedy in Massachusetts, he was never seriously challenged for the position. Simply being a Kennedy assured him of a Senate job for life. Although nominally a Catholic, it was obvious he never took his church’s teachings to heart. Staunchly pro-abortion all his life, he was in the forefront of almost every liberal cause. His endorsement of Obama over Hillary Clinton in the 2008… Read more »

Does an Islamic Threat Really Exist?

Rifqa Bary is a 17-year-old girl raised in a Muslim family in Ohio who has secretly been a Christian for 4 years. Recently, her parents discovered her new beliefs. Rifqa fled Ohio for Florida, fearing that her parents will kill her for her Christian faith. Is that really an issue? Rifqa believes it is. Her parents want her returned. It’s now in the courts in Florida. Rifqa has stated: If I had stayed in Ohio, I wouldn’t be alive. In… Read more »

Weren't We Supposed to Leave Race Behind Now?

Having a black president was supposed to be the end of racial division in America. It was supposed to show that race was no longer an issue. Well, that hasn’t exactly occurred. But who is to blame for that? As Jonah Goldberg asks in his latest column, “What if America transcended race, and Barack Obama wasn’t invited?” He goes on to note, in his own style: “Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, liberal Democrats have to accuse their opponents of… Read more »

Pride Goes Before . . . What Was That Again?

I’m grateful for the example of Calvin Coolidge. Yes, you read that correctly. A man who is ridiculed by all the “right” people actually was one of the most faithful to the Constitution. And he also realized the danger of holding political power. He declined to run again for the presidency in 1928. His reason? Read this carefully and appreciate what he is saying: It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are… Read more »

Freedom of Speech

Speaking at a rally in Virginia last week, President Obama called on those who are concerned about his healthcare proposal to stop talking and get out of the way. He wants his plan to go through without any real debate. The White House also asked people to send them names of those who are spreading what they call “disinformation” on healthcare. Ostensibly, this is so they can correct the “disinformation,” but there is a dangerous side to this as well…. Read more »