Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

Supreme Court: President's Prerogative?

While the Sotomayor hearings are going on, I was reminded of a doctrine that is really rather pernicious, and unfortunately has been followed slavishly by Republicans for decades. It goes something like this: A president should be able to pick whomever he wants for the Court because he won the election. As long as the person is qualified, it doesn’t matter what philosophy that person brings to the Court. The president has the prerogative to choose whom he wants, and we… Read more »

Tell Me Again Why the Cold War Ended?

On Tuesday, President Obama spoke to some students in Moscow. He was talking about the end of the Cold War. Here’s his analysis of how it came to an end: Within a few short years, the world as it was ceased to be. Now, make no mistake: This change did not come from any one nation. The Cold War reached a conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years, and because the people of Russia and Eastern… Read more »

Making Homosexuality Normal

We’ve seen the Biblical view of homosexuality, and how it is clearly labeled a sin. Our society traditionally understood this until things started changing in the late 1960s (which is when a lot of things changed). A “gay rights” movement began in earnest in the mid-1970s. The goal was to make homosexual activity seem as normal as heterosexual. No one could have predicted how successful this movement has become. Here’s how it was accomplished: First, make the issue one of… Read more »

No Moral Equivalence

There’s a phrase that historians know very well, used by some to describe the Cold War: moral equivalence. What they mean by this is that both the United States and the Soviet Union were equally responsible for the Cold War, and that there was no real difference between them morally. No difference? How many Stalins have we had? Yes, we have had our own holocaust (it’s called abortion), but in no way can you compare the two systems—a federal republic… Read more »

Our Living Constitution

Many changes in public policy have occurred in the early months of the Obama administration. One of those was the massive debt he has added to our posterity, a fact captured nicely in this cartoon: Notice the cargo on the good ship “Big Government” in the picture: all the bailouts of banks, ownership of GM and Chrysler, regulation of Wall Street, healthcare. The question very few are asking is, “By what authority is the government doing all of this?” Has… Read more »

The Reagan Solution

New Reagan Statue in the Capitol Rotunda Nancy Reagan came to Washington, DC, last week to participate in the unveiling of a statue of President Reagan, which will stand in the Capitol Rotunda. I am pleased that Reagan is getting this type of recognition. It’s a little discordant, though, to see Nancy Pelosi beaming at Mrs. Reagan’s side. If it were up to the Speaker of the House, I’m sure there would have been no statue. Pelosi disagrees with everything… Read more »

Naive, Intentional, or Both?

Last week, President Obama made another foray into the world, spreading his good news that America is not what many of us think it is. He began his tour with a rather startling revelation: America is sort of a Muslim nation. Really? Never has an American president gone to such lengths to distance the country from its Christian roots. I agree that America hasn’t held fast to those roots; nevertheless, our entire system is based on Biblical principles. What we… Read more »