Lewis: The Reasonableness of the Miraculous

The Christian faith is reasonable. It’s also based on believing in miracles: the virgin birth of Christ, walking on water, healings, resurrection after the crucifixion. How can one believe in miracles and still be reasonable? It’s not difficult if you consider the attributes of the God who created all things. Once you grasp His very nature, miracles are to be expected.

Reflections on the Psalms 2C. S. Lewis, in his Reflections on the Psalms, succinctly summed up his view, as well as that of all real Christians:

I have been suspected of being what is called a Fundamentalist. That is because I never regard any narrative as unhistorical simply on the ground that it includes the miraculous.

Lewis, one of the most learned men of the twentieth century, had no problem believing that the Creator God could alter His creation at any time in any place, and to me, that is a most reasonable assertion.

Like Lewis, I shy away from the term “fundamentalist” only because of the baggage it has picked up along the way. Yet all it intends to mean is that there are certain fundamentals that any Christian believes. God being above His creation is one of those fundamentals. And it is reasonable to believe it.