Tag: Media

Abortion Politics & Obama

The Kermit Gosnell trial continues. The media were somewhat shamed into covering it, but that coverage appears to be rather sporadic. Neither are they giving all the details about the horrendous practices of this butcher/murderer of children. As I’ve said before, this is primarily ideological; the media is on the side of the abortionists. They won’t be interested unless they can see a connection to something that genuinely concerns them: Planned Parenthood funds more than 330,000 abortions per year. Firearm… Read more »

Calling the News Media to Account

Thank God—and that’s not just a cliché or figurative speech—that alternative news sources exist. The pressure is on the mainstream media, from those alternative sources, to face up to its ideological blinders that have allowed the Kermit Gosnell trial to go unreported. I wrote about this trial last week. Gosnell is the abortionist who regularly carried out late-term abortions, routinely killing babies born alive. His preferred method was cutting their spinal cords. The outrage over this man should be taking… Read more »

The All-Out Assault on the Family

Confession time. Until a couple days ago, I had never heard of Melissa Harris-Perry. That’s because I don’t watch MSNBC. I have better things to do with my time than spend it on a network that has been shown, via reputable studies, to be little more than a shill for the Obama administration. Yet my attention was drawn to comments made by Ms. Harris-Perry, who apparently is a weekend host for one of MSNBC’s programs. According to Rich Lowry of… Read more »

The Media Abortion Coverup

Anyone remember Kermit Gosnell? I wouldn’t be surprised if that name has sunk into oblivion, victim of a news blackout worse than any so-called blacklist of the 1950s. That being the case, let me jog your memory. Gosnell was arrested in January 2011 for his abortion practices in Philadelphia. He was accused of routinely performing late-term abortions that were no different than infanticide. His case has now come to trial, and the grisly facts are coming to the fore. Gosnell’s… Read more »

Media Distortion & the Christian Response

Last week I wrote about the main problems I see in the church today, and why Christians aren’t making as much of an impact on the culture as we should be. I wanted to be sure we understand that’s where the greatest blame lies. We must always examine ourselves before pointing fingers elsewhere. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy, but there are other times when deliberate distortion of Biblical positions and those who espouse them takes center stage…. Read more »

Happy New Year? Why Would We Think So?

On January 1st each year we fall into a pattern long emblazoned on our psyche of saying “Happy New Year!” I realize it’s mostly a hope that we hold out, expecting that things certainly have to be better this time around. But on what basis do we hold to such a hope? Is there a solid reason for hoping, or is this more a shadowy, wispy type of wishful thinking? For me, on a personal level, I have what I… Read more »

Guns, Violence, & the Heart of Man

Some regular readers of this blog might be wondering why I haven’t yet commented on the horrific elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, that occurred last Friday. First, I wasn’t even planning on doing blogs this week since my wife was having more surgery and we had to go out of state for that. She has had the surgery and is recovering; all seems well. Second, the blogs earlier in the week were written late last week, about the time… Read more »