Tag: principles

About Last Week’s Convention

There are different types of Trump supporters. First, there are the angry people who just want Trump to get back at those who they perceive have created all the problems in the country. Trump will build a wall, they say, and make America great again. We believe him. They are so confident that he is the new political savior that their faith is unshakeable, no matter what he does. As Trump himself famously stated, he could stand in the middle… Read more »

On Political Courage

Here’s a thought. What if, at the Republican convention next week, the powers-that-be allowed a secret ballot to choose the nominee? What if the delegates truly had the freedom to vote according to what they believed best for the party and the country instead of being pressured by their political leaders to fall in line with Donald Trump? Would that secret ballot vote be different than the public one? If so, what would that say about those delegates? What would… Read more »

Establishment: What Does It Mean?

The media keeps throwing around the word “establishment.” In the almost-immortal words of The Princess Bride, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” What is the Republican establishment, and once we have identified it, does it really hate Donald Trump? The problem is that the Republican party is particularly divided right now, and analysts keep insisting on confusing different groups who have different concerns. They insist the “establishment” is trying to… Read more »

On Being Christian, Principled, Constitutional, & Conservative

On this day after Super Tuesday II, I would like to simply review how I believe we should make our voting decisions. If you claim to be a Christian, you ought to seek out a candidate who shares your Christian faith and has the life to back it up. At the very least, you should find someone who respects Christian faith and will promote religious liberty. If you say you are principled, you should examine carefully the principles of those… Read more »