Tag: principles

Discernment in the Trump Era

Feelings run high on Donald Trump . . . on both sides. What I’m seeing on the Left and on some parts of the Right is practically an unthinking response to anything Trump does. The “Resist” movement won’t rest until Trump is impeached or, as in the case of New York City’s “Shakespeare in the Park” program, possibly assassinated. The group put on a modern version of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar with “Julius” looking suspiciously like the current president. It was… Read more »

Will Honest Critique Be Allowed?

I’m trying to like Donald Trump. I really am. Why does he insist on making it so difficult? I’m not the least bit upset that he spoke with the elected leader of Taiwan. We never should have treated that nation the way we have. So, good for him on that count. Taiwan is not Iran or Cuba. I’m pleased with a number of his nominations for his administration. If they are allowed to do what they believe, we will be… Read more »

Principled Conservatism

I teach a course on Ronald Reagan and modern American conservatism. I begin the course with definitions of those terms. Conservatism: a predisposition to maintain existing institutions and practices. American: a particular brand of conservatism unique to American institutions and practices. Modern: the distinct development of a conservative philosophy since WWII. I then explain the three strands of thought that have been weaved together to create modern American conservatism: Economic individualism: limited government; free enterprise; the inviolability of property Social… Read more »

The Cruz Reversal

So now Ted Cruz has said he will vote for Donald Trump. He didn’t go so far as to say, when asked pointedly, that Trump is fit to be president; in fact, he deflected that specific question and went in a different direction in his answer. In his heart, I think he still knows Trump is unqualified for the office. I had hoped the day wouldn’t come when Cruz would bow the knee to a con man. I remember all… Read more »


I talk a lot about principles. After all, look at the title of this blog. The word means a lot to me. It’s the same with a related word: integrity. How is integrity defined? I like this definition: Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. I like that it incorporates principle in the definition and that honesty, morality, and ethical conduct are all included. This is what God looks for in men and women, especially those… Read more »

Where I Come From & Where I Am Today

I’ve been musing the past few days on the roots of my political and/or governmental philosophy. Why am I where I am today in my understanding of what’s best for the governing of this nation? I wasn’t raised in a home that taught me what I now believe, so it’s not a matter of merely copying what my parents thought. In fact, I grew up thinking the Democrats were the party to support. I was conservative as far as I… Read more »

Patrick Henry’s Courage & Our Need for It

In this time of our political angst, it’s always nice to look back at how America’s Founders reacted to a tough situation and displayed courage. One of the key moments in the months leading to the outbreak of the American Revolution was a speech given by Patrick Henry. The Virginia legislature had been sent home by the royal governor. The members had to meet somewhere else to discuss what to do in light of the terrible Coercive Acts that had… Read more »