Tag: Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood: Defund Now

What does it take to inform the American people of a holocaust? Planned Parenthood performs approximately 330,000 abortions annually, yet surveys show that while the organization has a near 100% name identity, only about 45% of those questioned know that its primary function is to promote abortion. Now that’s not what the organization says, of course. It’s all for “women’s health.” Cecile Richards, the head of this butcher shop, went on ABC’s “This Week” for an interview, in which she… Read more »

Planned Parenthood: The Culture of Mass Murder

The bad press being given to Planned Parenthood couldn’t be more appropriate. Not only is this organization the primary promoter of the mass murder of children, it is now exposed as, if possible, even more mercenary than many believed. Two videos have now surfaced with Planned Parenthood officials talking about the price that needs to be paid to obtain body parts from dead babies. Note I said “babies,” not fetuses. I believe fervently that a child is created from the… Read more »

Planned Parenthood & God’s Righteousness

In a week that has been filled with national security foolishness—a.k.a. the deal with Iran—and the ISIS threat come home—the murder of Marines in Chattanooga by a Muslim terrorist—some of the mainstream news outlets have barely mentioned the most grisly event. A video showing a top abortion “doctor” with Planned Parenthood detailing how the organization sells body parts of dead babies (who were murdered during an abortion) hardly even makes the radar screen as news that everyone needs to hear…. Read more »

January 22, 1973: Let Us Never Forget

On this date, in 1973, the United States Supreme Court effectively ruled that abortion is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Since then, approximately 57 million innocent lives have been taken. Many Americans have learned to “live with” these results, apparently numbed morally by the outright horror of an act that has cost more lives than anything done by Hitler or Stalin. We have been trained to think the human child is not a child. We have been schooled by… Read more »

The Romeike Reversal

Many of you, I’m sure, have heard that the German homeschooling family seeking asylum in the U.S. has now been told it can stay. In an amazing turnaround, the Department of Homeland Security contacted the Romeikes to inform them they have been granted “indefinite deferred status,” which is bureaucrat-speak for permission to remain as long as they don’t break any laws. I am delighted for them, as are a whole host of others. They never should have been threatened with… Read more »

Our Presidential Embarrassment

Make no mistake; I’m glad President Obama pulled back from the brink on Syria. First, he didn’t have the authority to act without Congress, yet he was preparing to do so anyway. Second, support for the Syrian rebels would be a colossal blunder, since they are now dominated by enemies of the United States. I said it before and will say it again: neither side in that conflict deserves our backing. Yet the entire episode has been a disaster for… Read more »

Abortion Politics & Obama

The Kermit Gosnell trial continues. The media were somewhat shamed into covering it, but that coverage appears to be rather sporadic. Neither are they giving all the details about the horrendous practices of this butcher/murderer of children. As I’ve said before, this is primarily ideological; the media is on the side of the abortionists. They won’t be interested unless they can see a connection to something that genuinely concerns them: Planned Parenthood funds more than 330,000 abortions per year. Firearm… Read more »