A Massive Exercise in Self-Deception

So, the election is over. America has made its choice. The American people will now have to live with that choice for at least four years. John McCain’s concession speech was gracious, perhaps too gracious. I understand why he did it. You cannot appear to be a sore loser. He handled himself well. Yet I don’t think he ever clearly understood the Obama threat. Is Obama really an honorable man? Should we congratulate him on his victory? Christians are not… Read more »

America's Suicide Attempt?

Noted British historian Paul Johnson titled one of his chapters in his book Modern Times “America’s Suicide Atempt.” Johnson was talking about the 1960s and 1970s. Assassinations (John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King), the Vietnam War, race riots in the cities and student riots on campuses, the entire Watergate fiasco, and the miserable economy of the 1970s were his targets. We can add Roe v. Wade to that list. It was as if America had lost its mind. Today… Read more »

American Self-Government: Example #2

All of America’s early colonies had legislatures of their own. Most of them, from the start, had been allowed self-government in their charters. When the British government began to change the rules by taxing them without any representation in Parliament, the colonies reacted. Their first line of defense was the charters they had been given. When the British government dismissed their arguments, they turned instead to the idea that God had given each person the right to direct his own… Read more »

American Self-Government: Example #1

They were called Separatists in their native England. They got this name because they couldn’t abide being part of a state church where the government controlled the worship and doctrine. So they set up their own churches based on their understanding of how God wanted His church to work, following what they perceived to be the model in the New Testament. When they set up these churches, they had to start from scratch with church government. Consequently, they relied on… Read more »

Principle: Self-Government

In an age when we look to Washington, DC, for everything we need, we have forgotten one basic Biblical principle that was part of the foundation of this country. It is a principle simply called self-government. It’s not hard to explain. God has created each of us with the ability to make decisions. That is part of His image that He placed within us. Government, by definition, is “control and direction.” Whenever anything is governed, that means it is controlled… Read more »

I Didn't Really Want to Mention This, But . . .

The devotion to Obama seems to have few boundaries. Perhaps you have seen some of the videos making the rounds on YouTube: children singing his praises; teens marching and spouting off on how Obama has given them new hope and has inspired them to succeed in life. Some would say, “What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that a positive thing?” What’s wrong can be summarized in one word: idolatry. Many have mentioned the cult that has arisen around this presumed political… Read more »

Obama's Friends and Mentors

It has been virtually impossible to get the mainstream media to properly investigate all of Obama’s allies. Hardly anyone mentions Obama’s connection to the writings of Saul Alinsky, the “original” community organizer whose philosophy was decidedly Marxist. What does Obama say about Alinsky? Finally, a few days ago, the New York Times wrote an article about William Ayers, one of the founders of the radical group Weatherman. Ayers set bombs at the Pentagon and the Capitol back in the early… Read more »