I Didn't Really Want to Mention This, But . . .

The devotion to Obama seems to have few boundaries. Perhaps you have seen some of the videos making the rounds on YouTube: children singing his praises; teens marching and spouting off on how Obama has given them new hope and has inspired them to succeed in life. Some would say, “What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that a positive thing?” What’s wrong can be summarized in one word: idolatry. Many have mentioned the cult that has arisen around this presumed political… Read more »

Obama's Friends and Mentors

It has been virtually impossible to get the mainstream media to properly investigate all of Obama’s allies. Hardly anyone mentions Obama’s connection to the writings of Saul Alinsky, the “original” community organizer whose philosophy was decidedly Marxist. What does Obama say about Alinsky? Finally, a few days ago, the New York Times wrote an article about William Ayers, one of the founders of the radical group Weatherman. Ayers set bombs at the Pentagon and the Capitol back in the early… Read more »

Burdens, Anger, Sorrow, and Prayer

As I sit down and write in this blog today, I’m not really sure where my thoughts are going to end up. All I know is that I am terribly burdened for the future of this nation. Christians sometimes talk about feeling a burden for a specific person or problem; well, that’s where I am today. Where is the line between anger and sorrow? I reach a point where I don’t want to hear the same old lies over and… Read more »

Obama, Abortion, & Infanticide

My last post talked about the image of God in man and how that relates to the sanctity of life. If you really want to see into the heart and soul of a person, the abortion issue opens that window wide. Take Barack Obama, for instance. When he was an Illinois state senator, Obama, on more than one occasion, stopped a bill from passing that would have ensured that babies born alive in an abortion attempt would receive medical care…. Read more »

Principle: Made in God's Image

In early America, there was little debate about who man was. Nearly everyone agreed man was a being made in the image of God. What did that mean? First, it meant that God had transferred many of His attributes to his creation: man was given intellect, emotions, and the power to choose good and evil. He also had a spirit. Just as God is a spirit, so man was more than a material being. He also would live forever, the… Read more »

Prophet or Priest?

As a Christian, what am I supposed to be when commenting on politics? Am I to be the prophetic voice, warning against the dangers of voting wrongly and following wrong policies? Am I to be the compassionate voice that draws people to God by staying away from controversy? Is it possible to be so prophetic in one’s approach that people are turned away from the truth? Likewise, is it possible to be so open and compassionate toward those with differing… Read more »

Are Voters Foolish? (Part III)

As if to prove my point in the previous posting, a couple of polls taken after the first presidential debate on Friday night gave Obama the “victory.” That, by itself, is not the story. Although when I watched the debate, my opinion was the opposite of those polls, I was judging success by the following factors: Which candidate was closer to Biblical principles in his answers? Which candidate was more honest in his answers in comparison to what he has… Read more »