My Vote of No Confidence

Disagreement about policy is one thing; we can all participate in honest debate about the correct policy to follow. But is there a tipping point at which the policy that is followed becomes a danger to the nation and must be resisted for the sake of our future? Is there a time to question, not only the wisdom, but the motives of our leaders? Case in point: the swap for Bo Bergdahl. We got a deserter; the enemy received back… Read more »

The Lewis Humility

Clyde Kilby was a central figure in ensuring that the works of C. S. Lewis were never forgotten. Kilby is largely responsible for assembling the largest collection of Lewis papers and books by and about him in the U.S. He was director of the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College for many years. Kilby corresponded with Lewis and was able to sit down and talk with him face-to-face in July 1953. When he returned to America, he wrote an… Read more »

A Meditation on Turning 64

On this day, as I commemorate my 64th revolution around the sun, I look back on how God has led and guided and am grateful. Many people make fun of small towns, but I’m glad I grew up in one. My neighbor children first invited me to go to Sunday School with them; that was how the Lord drew me to Himself, as I readily accepted the Word given to me. My undergraduate days were a time of solidifying what… Read more »

The Iran Fantasy

If you are tired of hearing about Iran and the “deal” now being negotiated with that terrorist nation, I apologize up front. You may now go to another website and revel in recipes, entertainment news, or other such essential topics for your day. Staving off a nuclear attack on America is obviously not something you want to think about. Don’t let it bother you; go ahead and concentrate on what’s really important. For the rest of you, let’s have some… Read more »

Lewis on Progressive Education: God Help Us All

C. S. Lewis developed friendships with a number of American college and university professors. One of them, Nathan Comfort Starr, visited Lewis three times over a period of fifteen years, and kept up a steady correspondence with him. Like Lewis, he was a Christian traditionalist when it came to education: learn the classics, hold students to a standard of intellectual rigor. Starr was teaching at Rollins College in Florida in the early 1950s when a “progressive” president at the college… Read more »

Christians in the Military: Under Attack

Navy Chaplain Wes Modder is in trouble for holding to his Christian beliefs. Modder is a decorated chaplain who has performed his duties for nearly two decades. Just last October, he was praised in a performance review as being the “best of the best” and a “consummate professional leader” who greatly exceeded standards in the vast majority of categories. So what happened? He is now accused of disrespect toward those he counsels. Why? Because he tells them the truth: homosexuality… Read more »

The Clintons & Character

Shouldn’t one’s history matter? What is it about the history of Bill and Hillary Clinton that would give anyone confidence in their character? I know some people will be upset with me for focusing on that. They will say that policies are what matter, not personal character. Well, I have a lot to say about the policies of both, but I won’t back down on the significance of personal character. It was during Bill’s presidency that we heard the constant… Read more »