Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

Wood, Hay, & Straw

Jim Wallis, one of the leaders of what might be termed the Christian Left, has now come out in favor of same-sex marriage. Ever since his days as a member of the 1960s radical group Students for a Democratic Society, which was grounded in socialist/communist philosophy, Wallis has tried to walk a fine line in an attempt to marry [pun intended] Biblical principles with a humanistic, atheistic worldview. It has been as spectacularly unsuccessful as the same-sex unions he now… Read more »

Obama: Dishonoring Margaret Thatcher

Today is Margaret Thatcher’s funeral. It’s such a special occasion for the British that even the queen will be there to pay her respects. The last time she attended a funeral for a former prime minister was in 1965 to mark the passing of Winston Churchill. However, today is also a day of insult, and the British have noticed the slight. There will be no representative present from the Obama administration. Those who think this is no big deal will… Read more »

Calling the News Media to Account

Thank God—and that’s not just a cliché or figurative speech—that alternative news sources exist. The pressure is on the mainstream media, from those alternative sources, to face up to its ideological blinders that have allowed the Kermit Gosnell trial to go unreported. I wrote about this trial last week. Gosnell is the abortionist who regularly carried out late-term abortions, routinely killing babies born alive. His preferred method was cutting their spinal cords. The outrage over this man should be taking… Read more »

The All-Out Assault on the Family

Confession time. Until a couple days ago, I had never heard of Melissa Harris-Perry. That’s because I don’t watch MSNBC. I have better things to do with my time than spend it on a network that has been shown, via reputable studies, to be little more than a shill for the Obama administration. Yet my attention was drawn to comments made by Ms. Harris-Perry, who apparently is a weekend host for one of MSNBC’s programs. According to Rich Lowry of… Read more »

Margaret Thatcher: Conviction, Not Consensus

Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of Britain from 1979-1990, departed this world yesterday morning and, I hope, has entered into an eternity without the pain and weakness she had to endure over the past few years. Raised a Methodist, daughter of a middle-class grocer, not born into privilege, she had to work hard to earn a university degree, become accepted into the gentleman’s world of politics, and rise, improbably, to the highest elected office in her land. Determined, conservative, and confident… Read more »

The Media Abortion Coverup

Anyone remember Kermit Gosnell? I wouldn’t be surprised if that name has sunk into oblivion, victim of a news blackout worse than any so-called blacklist of the 1950s. That being the case, let me jog your memory. Gosnell was arrested in January 2011 for his abortion practices in Philadelphia. He was accused of routinely performing late-term abortions that were no different than infanticide. His case has now come to trial, and the grisly facts are coming to the fore. Gosnell’s… Read more »

Salt, Light, & Truth

I write often about the drift of our culture into acceptance of a type of sex God forbade. For many people, this whole issue is simply a matter of “democracy”—let the people decide what they want. When you introduce the moral element, they tell you that’s irrelevant. All that matters is that we are devoted to popular sovereignty. As a historian, I know that term well. The last time it was front and center in the political debate was prior… Read more »