Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

Principles vs. Pragmatism

I chose the title “Pondering Principles” for my website because I believe that we are called by God to be principled people. I’ve taught hundreds of students the distinction between being principled and being pragmatic. Definitions are essential. Here’s how I have explained what it means to be principled. Principles are what I would call the “big truths” out of which other truths naturally should flow. Truth must be our foundation for all things, and we must not give only… Read more »

Presidential Integrity: Grover Cleveland

We’ve had 47 presidencies in our history. Some were exceptional, others impactful one way or another, and a few almost entirely forgettable. The presidents after the Civil War up until Theodore Roosevelt, in the minds of probably most Americans, may fall into the “forgettable” category primarily because we truly have forgotten them. We focus on George Washington (as we should for the precedents he set) and Abraham Lincoln shouldering the burdens of a terrible civil war. But some of those… Read more »

The Decade of New Focus

The end of another year looms. This time of year, as we look forward to Christmas and a new year that will probably be quite similar to the current one (that’s both good and bad), I have a tendency to reflect. That’s not a bad idea, of course, given the subtitle of this blog. My reflection will be a pondering on how God has given me a new focus over the past decade. And that new focus centers on this… Read more »

Where Lewis & Eliot Agree

In his early Christian days, C. S. Lewis disagreed rather strongly with the poetry of T. S. Eliot. He was particularly unimpressed and dismayed by Eliot’s The Waste Land. Over time, however, a mutual respect developed when they labored together on the Revised Psalter of the Church of England. I’ve recently been reading an interesting book of excerpts from various writers that Lewis admired, or at least respected. The book is titled From the Library of C. S. Lewis: Selections… Read more »

A Teaching Ministry

I have been blessed these last two years with opportunities to teach classes that are very near and dear to my heart. Those who follow my blog posts know that my research and writing focus on C. S. Lewis has been central to my teaching ministry. I just completed a semester at Southeastern University teaching my basic Lewis course, while simultaneously teaching a course on Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy at my church. While my next Lewis-centered course won’t be until the… Read more »

Intellect & Imagination: The Proper Balance

One of Lewis’s comments in his autobiography, Surprised by Joy, came to mind recently as I thought about the path my own life has taken. Lewis was an intensely rational person, a trait drilled into him by his tutor, William Kirkpatrick. At the same time, he was a person who reveled in imaginative works of literature. At various times in his life, one or the other would come to the forefront. There was a time, though, as a young man… Read more »

The Challenge of Rethinking

When I was 25, I pretty much knew everything. If you didn’t think so, all you had to do was ask me. Theology, for instance, was all figured out. No need to revisit that. Yet, in the years that followed, I came to the realization that I had a lot to learn. Let me offer a few examples of the rethinking I have had to do. As a young and budding historian, beginning my studies toward a doctorate, I came… Read more »