Author Archives: Dr Snyder

The Real God: Not Made in Man’s Image

Mankind doesn’t mind having a god of some kind, as long as that god can be made into the image that mankind prefers. Men, in general, will accept a certain type of god that meets their requirements, which normally means that he/she/it doesn’t require too much of them. Yet God—the real God—is not a product of man’s fevered imagination. “It is always shocking to meet life where we thought we were alone,” C. S. Lewis wrote in his book Miracles…. Read more »

The SOTU on Abortion & Socialism

If President Trump would always speak like he did last night in the State of the Union Address—on script, reasonable, avoiding inflammatory campaign rhetoric—he would become a much more effective chief executive. Thank you, presidential speechwriters, for the two major highlights for me: exposing the abortion/infanticide lies and a strong denunciation of socialism. Neither made the Democrats in attendance very comfortable. Good. As one looked over the House chamber on the Democrat side, it was almost as if one couldn’t… Read more »

Northam, Racism, & Infanticide

Prior to this past week, most people outside of Virginia wouldn’t have been able to identify Ralph Northam, the current governor of that state. He’s now made sure that everyone who pays any attention at all to politics knows who he is. Name recognition, though, is not always a plus. When a photo surfaced from a yearbook from back in 1984 presumably showing Northam as either the person wearing a KKK robe or in blackface, the alarms went up all… Read more »

Friendship: The Least Jealous of Loves

In a letter to lifelong friend Arthur Greeves, C. S. Lewis expressed his deep appreciation for the blessing of true friendship. How highly did he value it? “Friendship is the greatest of worldly goods,” Lewis declared. “Certainly to me it is the chief happiness of life.” He continued with advice to young men who were contemplating where to live: “I think I shd. say, ‘sacrifice almost everything to live where you can be near your friends.’ I know I am… Read more »

The Future of American Politics?

No, it’s never my intent to simply make fun of people, not even politicians. Yet when someone like New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez keeps putting herself forth as the representative of the new wisdom, one can’t help but comment occasionally. The reason it’s hard to keep from commenting is that nearly everything she says, whenever it is fact-checked, is found to be utterly false. She is an avowed Socialist—the capital “S” is intentional due to her fervency in its espousal—who… Read more »

Abortion: Calling Evil Good

The state of New York, long established as one of the most liberal in the nation, has now, in its progressive wisdom, decided that abortion is not only a right, but one that can be carried out up to the point of a baby’s delivery. One second, you have a living, vibrant child ready to come out of the womb to enter this world of woe; in the next second, you have a dead baby, killed by an abortionist (who… Read more »

The Crossroads of Life

Decisions. Hard choices. Encountering a crossroad and not sure which way to go. Why is life so difficult at times? What about that little shortcut I see? Maybe I can take that and experience less pain. After all, isn’t that what life is—finding the best way to avoid pain and misery? Yet what if I’m mistaken? What if life’s pains are where I find the greatest meaning over time? C. S. Lewis, in an essay, “The Vision of John Bunyan,”… Read more »