The Iran Fantasy

If you are tired of hearing about Iran and the “deal” now being negotiated with that terrorist nation, I apologize up front. You may now go to another website and revel in recipes, entertainment news, or other such essential topics for your day. Staving off a nuclear attack on America is obviously not something you want to think about. Don’t let it bother you; go ahead and concentrate on what’s really important.

For the rest of you, let’s have some straight talk. I’ve written rather extensively on what I perceive of President Obama’s fantasyland picture of the world. With respect to his views on other nations, this has now come to the forefront, and it’s on the verge of hurting us in ways we thought incomprehensible earlier. What was only a vague threat before has now become stark reality.

If you never realized it before, you have to come face-to-face with the fact that this president loathes Israel and its leader, yet somehow thinks that Iran and its leaders, even when they tweet out “Death to America,” are somehow trustworthy. This is a fantasyland beyond the pale. To what can this be compared? Providing Hitler with secrets to the atomic bomb? Giving the Soviet Union access to national security documents? It boggles the mind.

Yet what does the news media concentrate on? A letter written by Republican senators telling Iran that agreements must be approved by the Congress, a simple declaration of how our constitutional form of government is supposed to work. For making this public statement, those senators are pilloried by many Obama apologists. Yet what danger did that letter introduce? Again, let’s be honest about the real problem:

Which Is Worse

Yet the Obama-Kerry initiative seems oblivious to that real threat. Their perception of Iran is somewhat skewed, to say the least:


As in the movie The Wizard of Oz we’re supposed to ignore what’s behind the curtain, so to speak:

Teeny Weeny

President Obama, not only by his insistence on finalizing this deal, but by his overall foreign policy, has put his country on the edge of a cliff, as if it were his goal all along to destroy us. Is that his real intent, or is he just that foolish, blinded by his ideology? Either way, we’re in the worst shape with regard to national security than we have ever been, and I say that as a historian of American history with a lot of research on the Cold War under my belt. So that’s saying a lot.

Former vice president Dick Cheney has publicly called Obama the worst president in his lifetime. To be fair and balanced, I feel I must offer the other side’s view as well:


I report, you decide.