Tag: Kagan

What Real Hearings Would Be Like

I don’t watch Supreme Court confirmation hearings. I have much better things to do than see a preordained script followed. What’s taking place in the Kagan hearings right now is nothing but a show for the cameras. You won’t hear the nominee say anything of substance. Then again, that’s really not necessary in her case. We may play a game about not knowing what she believes, but everyone really does know already. The key is for her not to tell…. Read more »

The Wisdom of the Court?

The Supreme Court was never meant to be the ultimate authority in the land. That may surprise some people because we have operated on the premise it is the final word on all political controversies. As a nation, we’ve been conditioned to think that whenever the Court speaks, all shall bow before its wisdom. What wisdom was involved in a decision to make it legal to kill unborn children? Was it wisdom that later refused to rethink that decision simply… Read more »