Tag: Adams

A Very Unusual Fourth of July

As I stated in a previous post, July 2 was the day independence passed in the Continental Congress. It was important, though, to come up with a statement that declared to the world the reasons for the decision. That statement, initially called “A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America in General Congress Assembled,” is the document we now simply entitle “The Declaration of Independence.” Since it was approved on July 4, 1776, people began to celebrate… Read more »

John Adams & Independence

When Americans think about our independence historically, they most often think of Thomas Jefferson, since he was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. Yet Jefferson never really participated in the verbal battles at the Continental Congress. He was the quiet guy in the corner. The man who most forcefully forwarded the argument for independence was John Adams. Adams also was part of the committee that was tasked with coming up with a declaration should it become necessary. Since… Read more »

Lexington, Concord, & Freedom

On this date 237 years ago—April 19, 1775—riders spread throughout the Massachusetts countryside warning citizens that the British Regulars were coming out of Boston. Why the warning? Those troops had two goals. The first was to capture “rebel” ringleaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock at Lexington where they were staying, and send them to Britain to be hanged. The second was to take possession of the area’s militia stores in a town called Concord. They accomplished neither, but they did… Read more »

Heroic Heritage

Historic anniversaries abound this week. Yesterday was one that almost everyone in America knows: D-Day. How many, though, can talk about what took place at the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc on that day? One of the most heroic actions of D-Day was the scaling of those cliffs by a special Army Ranger battalion. Their mission was to take out the guns at the top that could have devastated the invasion force on all the other beaches. Those Rangers achieved… Read more »