Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

Healthcare & Abortion

Pro-lifers rejoiced recently when the abortion language was dropped from the House healthcare bill. That rejoicing may be shortlived. President Obama has now made it known that he wants federal funding of abortion inserted back into the final healthcare bill that comes out of Congress. For those who may not remember just how pro-abortion this president is, let me jog your memory. As an Illinois state senator, Obama took the most radical position possible on this issue. When a bill… Read more »

Illogical Logic

Sometimes, when I hear the rationales being put forward for certain policies, I just have to shake my head in disbelief. The logic is so illogical. One of the best cartoonists for pointing this out is Bruce Tinsley. Here are a few examples. There seems to be a tendency in liberal circles to spend a lot of time ignoring evil. Well, there is some evil identified in liberal ideology, but it’s always somehow attached to America in general, and conservatives… Read more »

A Righteous Judgment

And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man. [Genesis 9:5-6] In October of 2002, Washington, DC, and its suburbs were targets of terror. I know. I lived there. For three weeks, everyone wondered if stopping to pump gas in your car would be the last thing you did… Read more »

A Demand for Justice, Not PC

Predictably, there are apologists out there who are insisting that Nidal Hasan became “unhinged” due to post-traumatic stress, and that his religious beliefs played little or no role in his actions. When critics point out that Hasan never participated in the war personally, they say it was the result of hearing all the stories from those who had—sort of a secondhand post-traumatic stress. Let’s review what we know of his actions, since more evidence comes out daily. First, he was… Read more »

Behind the Massacre

This is the face at which most Americans will be staring today. He’s a mass murderer who was wounded by those he attacked [initial reports said he had been killed]. Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army major, went on a rampage at Ft. Hood, Texas. The last count I heard was that he had killed 12 people and wounded another 31. Now, the one salient fact in this massacre is that Hasan is a Muslim who spoke openly about the right… Read more »

Principles & Character

Last night, I spoke at the Polk County (FL) Republican Executive Committee meeting. The focus of the talk was the importance of being principled and having the character necessary to carry out those principles. My approach was basically an overview of how Republicans have fared in those two areas over the past century. There were highs and lows in that historical survey. The conclusion was that three things are needed right now if the Republicans ever hope to direct the… Read more »

Cheap & Cheaper

It’s now official. The Nobel Peace Prize has lost all remnants of credibility. Not that it had much to begin with, but the bestowal of this award on Barack Obama has made it clear that a person doesn’t have to do anything to win it. Well, talking a lot and apologizing for one’s country might help, but it isn’t mandatory. This is even worse than Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. It’s now obvious that celebrity is the benchmark… Read more »