Category: Politics & Government

Opinions on contemporary political happenings and the workings of civil government.

Beware the Radical Presbyterians

There’s your first warning for today. As you probably have suspected, I and others like me take our orders from the alternative media. Whatever they say we should say, we dutifully follow suit. We never think for ourselves; we want others to think for us. Unlike those who listen to the mainstream media . . . Yes, there are those of us who haven’t yet seen the light. We continue to describe terrorists as terrorists. Further, we constantly identify those… Read more »

Creating Prosperity

It was during the Great Depression of the 1930s that our political leaders decided that the best way to become prosperous was to “prime the pump” via government spending. We adopted the philosophy of the British economist John Maynard Keynes, who said that deficits don’t really matter that much. Prior to the Great Depression, most Americans didn’t look to government to create prosperity. They understood that the free market accomplished that feat. Ronald Reagan tried to wean us from the… Read more »

Terror & the Future

In my review of the president’s speech in this blog yesterday, I concluded he doesn’t understand that we have a real enemy out there, and that his response to terrorism is without any real moral conviction. This is probably because he doesn’t believe, in the deepest part of his heart, that the threat is genuine. What further evidence do we have of this? Well, here’s a reminder. The idea that terrorists should be treated as ordinary criminals is central to… Read more »

The Afghanistan Policy

After months of waiting, the nation finally received the result of all that agonizing over the future of our Afghan policy. The speech that President Obama gave at West Point on Tuesday evening focused on the following: We are in this mess because of the failures of the Bush administration; Gen. Stanley McChrystal will get 3/4 of what he wanted for this war; We are going to get out of it as quickly as possible. Let’s take those three points… Read more »

Pernicious Principles

I’ve called this blog “Pondering Principles” because I believe that God has given us general truths [principles] that apply to all of life. Naturally, I want to expound on those truths and call us back to being principled people. We need to keep in mind, though, that there are other principles out there that are not from God. They also form the basis for what people think and do. If they don’t come from the heart and Word of God,… Read more »

Healthcare & Abortion

Pro-lifers rejoiced recently when the abortion language was dropped from the House healthcare bill. That rejoicing may be shortlived. President Obama has now made it known that he wants federal funding of abortion inserted back into the final healthcare bill that comes out of Congress. For those who may not remember just how pro-abortion this president is, let me jog your memory. As an Illinois state senator, Obama took the most radical position possible on this issue. When a bill… Read more »

Illogical Logic

Sometimes, when I hear the rationales being put forward for certain policies, I just have to shake my head in disbelief. The logic is so illogical. One of the best cartoonists for pointing this out is Bruce Tinsley. Here are a few examples. There seems to be a tendency in liberal circles to spend a lot of time ignoring evil. Well, there is some evil identified in liberal ideology, but it’s always somehow attached to America in general, and conservatives… Read more »