Category: Christians & Culture

Commentary, from a Biblical perspective, on current events that are primarily cultural. There may be some overlap with politics and government, but the emphasis is on broader societal developments apart from politics, which also includes analysis of specific individuals.

The Reagan Perspective

One of my students asked me this week if the Obama administration would do so much damage to the country that there would be no hope of repairing it after he leaves office. I was of two minds as I tried to answer. First, I think the potential damage is so staggering that America might not ever recover. The massive debt, the inevitable leftist court appointments, the unrestricted access to abortion [which has begun already], and the stamp of approval… Read more »

God Is in Control (Part III)

The Scripture to the left is often invoked to say that everything will work out alright regardless of what men choose. “Don’t you know,” we are told, “that God works all things together for good”? That’s called “selective reading” of a Scripture. Look closely. For whom do things work together for good? The promise is for those “who love the Lord,” the ones “who are the called according to His purpose.” This is not an outright promise that all things… Read more »

God Is in Control (Part II)

Although God calls the shots for the overall direction of His creation, He has given each of us a wonderful, and simultaneously frightful, gift—the ability to make choices in life. Our choices are the real thing, not simply illusions. As Moses stated to the children of Israel in the desert, This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and… Read more »

God Is in Control (Part I)

Even before the presidential election, I heard so many Christians say, “Well, no matter what happens, God is in control.” Do not number me as one who denies God’s sovereignty. He is the Lord of the universe and omnipotence is one of His natural attributes. He will determine when this whole earthly experiment has run its course, and one day everyone will have to stand before Him to give an account. Further, He decides the eternal destiny of each person…. Read more »

Change of Heart

This political cartoon leads me to say something that I have only hinted at, but need to emphasize. I have been highly critical of the views of our new president, and will remain so. Yet, as a Christian, I believe that even the worst of sinners can change. The apostle Paul started as Saul, the persecutor of Christians. John Newton was a slave trader who was converted and became the writer of “Amazing Grace.” Can Obama change his views? Yes…. Read more »

32% of Young Evangelicals Voted for Obama?

That’s what we are being told. A new article by Phyllis Schlafly points to the use of “social justice” as code for inculcating young people into a faith in government-sponsored “change.” And all of this comes, of course, via the taxpayer in the public schools. I have not said much yet about public schools, but the issue of who should be educating the young has been one of my primary teachings. When given the opportunity, I like to point out… Read more »

Evangelicals and Obama

Just how far can evangelicals go with Obama? How about with homosexual advocates? There is good insight in the following article by David Stokes. I highly recommend it. Check it out at  An Evangelical Bridge Too Far