Ideologically Driven … Again

Indiana recently cut off all taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. That’s the good news. Even if you haven’t yet heard of the administration’s response to this, you can probably guess, based on how it reacted to Arizona’s illegal immigration law. Yes, Obama & Co. are getting ready to challenge the law.

The official position will be that it hurts poor people. Unofficially, it’s really an ideologically driven position to continue support for abortion. How do I know this is the real reason, and that compassion for the poor is only the “cover” for this action?  Consider the consequences:

Federal officials have 90 days to act but may feel pressure to act sooner because Indiana is already enforcing its law, which took effect on May 10, and because legislators in other states are working on similar measures.

If a state Medicaid program is not in compliance with federal law and regulations, federal officials can take corrective action, including “the total or partial withholding” of federal Medicaid money. The mere threat of such a penalty is often enough to get states to comply. Actually imposing the penalty would, in many cases, hurt the very people whom Medicaid is intended to help.

That, by itself, should reveal the true passion here: no one should be allowed to tinker with abortion “rights,” even at the cost of hurting those who need help the most. Priorities are clear.

Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion president in American history. He apparently thinks nothing of allowing innocent children to be sacrificed on the altar of selfishness and irresponsibility. Yet abortion has been so sanitized in the public’s perception that it’s no longer considered unconscionable. That’s because our collective conscience has been seared. We need a new perspective:

Is it possible to change the public’s perception of this issue? I believe it is. A nationwide Gallup poll still indicates that more people call themselves pro-choice than pro-life (49%-45%), yet 51% believe abortion is morally wrong [how does that fit with the earlier numbers??????], and 61% believe it should be legal only in a few circumstances or not at all.

What does this indicate? We are a confused people. But it also shows the possibility of speaking truth into that confusion and persuading people toward the pro-life position. We can’t give up that fight.