Christmas is fast approaching. I thought I’d do a little experiment, so I typed in “Christmas” on Google, then went to whatever images it chose to highlight. Hundreds appeared. Many were quite beautiful, like this one:
And there were those that make you feel warm and comfortable, evoking perhaps memories of Christmases past:
A multitude of pictures featured someone intimately connected with Christmas:
Others were admittedly rather cute:
Some even attempted a message of sorts:
Nice and general—vague even—and certainly not offensive in any way. Neither does it say anything significant about the essence of this celebration. This is the message you will get from a plethora of “holiday specials” on television during this season:
Out of all the Google images, only a few ventured to offer something like this:
It’s become a cliché, of course, to remind people to “keep Christ in Christmas,” but it is called “Christ”mas, isn’t it?