America's Suicide Attempt?

Noted British historian Paul Johnson titled one of his chapters in his book Modern Times “America’s Suicide Atempt.” Johnson was talking about the 1960s and 1970s.

Assassinations (John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King), the Vietnam War, race riots in the cities and student riots on campuses, the entire Watergate fiasco, and the miserable economy of the 1970s were his targets. We can add Roe v. Wade to that list. It was as if America had lost its mind.

Today is election day. Will we lose our collective mind again? Will this day usher in a transformed America? Not all transformation is good.

The 1960s and 1970s were followed by a recovery of sanity in the 1980s. Reagan was the human cornerstone for that recovery, but ultimately we need, as a society, to acknowledge the true source of all blessings for a recovery to take place. No matter what occurs today, a spiritual recovery will remain the crying need of the times.

Politics is only one part of a society. Government is not our savior. Yet both politics and government will heavily influence what our society will become. If they are going in an ungodly direction, the only thing that will hold this society together is the Christians’ commitment to real discipleship. If we are what God wants us to be, He can still do great things.

Let’s move forward in His Spirit.