Principles Are the Foundation

Noah Webster defined “principle” in this way: the source or origin of anything; a general truth from which one can deduce many subordinate truths. Christians need to make sure that whatever they do in society is based on God’s principles–His general truths–and not simply on whatever is expedient. When we discover God’s general truths, we can then identify other truths that flow from the general ones. Those subordinate truths will help us understand the types of policies that must be… Read more »

A Pause in the Action

I do plan to make comments on Obama’s speech last night and the surprise that McCain pulled on the nation with his choice of Sarah Palin as his VP. But, for now, I just want to pause a minute and say something else that is on my heart. It is very easy to get caught up in the drama of politics. It is also easy to spend all one’s time trying to ensure that Biblical principles permeate the society, whether… Read more »

How Not to Become a Historian

My road to becoming a historian was a strange one. I think I always liked history; it was the history classes I didn’t like. Frankly, my early education was rather drab when it came to history. I have no memory of ever being inspired by what I was taught. I barely have a memory that I was taught at all. American history, in high school, was a dull affair. The teacher, who was also the basketball coach (this was in… Read more »