Category: Christians & Culture

Commentary, from a Biblical perspective, on current events that are primarily cultural. There may be some overlap with politics and government, but the emphasis is on broader societal developments apart from politics, which also includes analysis of specific individuals.

Does an Islamic Threat Really Exist?

Rifqa Bary is a 17-year-old girl raised in a Muslim family in Ohio who has secretly been a Christian for 4 years. Recently, her parents discovered her new beliefs. Rifqa fled Ohio for Florida, fearing that her parents will kill her for her Christian faith. Is that really an issue? Rifqa believes it is. Her parents want her returned. It’s now in the courts in Florida. Rifqa has stated: If I had stayed in Ohio, I wouldn’t be alive. In… Read more »

Pride Goes Before . . . What Was That Again?

I’m grateful for the example of Calvin Coolidge. Yes, you read that correctly. A man who is ridiculed by all the “right” people actually was one of the most faithful to the Constitution. And he also realized the danger of holding political power. He declined to run again for the presidency in 1928. His reason? Read this carefully and appreciate what he is saying: It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are… Read more »

Another Reason

In yesterday’s post, I offered my rationale for why liberal/socialistic policies are not consistent with a Biblical worldview. That, for me, is foundational. My decisions rest on whether something passes the Biblical principle test. However, there is another reason for rejecting those policies. It can be summarized quite easily: they don’t work. They never have. They never will. The miserable condition of people who have lived under that system is plainly revealed in the Soviet Union and other countries that… Read more »


No pictures. No cartoons. Just a heart-to-heart today. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. First and foremost, I want my life to reflect His nature and character. Why? Because He truly did redeem me from a pit of my own making, and showed me His mercy (unmerited forgiveness) and grace (the power to do what is right). Politics and government are important to me, but only in the context of wanting to ensure that they manifest Biblical truths. I… Read more »

American Character: Noah Webster

The name “Webster” sounds familiar to most people. They think for a minute and then say, “Oh, yeah, he’s the dictionary guy, right?” Right. But he’s more than that. Noah Webster is a prime example of someone who exhibits the character trait of diligence. A native of Connecticut  and descendant of Pilgrim governor William Bradford, Webster was raised in the Congregational church, graduated from Yale, and even was awarded a master’s degree—unusual for the time. In 1783, he got the nation’s… Read more »

Christian Coalition: A Tale Well Told

I want to alert you to this new book by Joel Vaughan that traces the history of the organization called the Christian Coalition. The title is accurate: it rose and it fell. I was drawn to the book not only because I am acquainted with Joel, but also because I used to be a Christian Coalition county director back in the early 1990s, when I taught at Indiana Wesleyan University. Then, when I moved to Regent University, I was just… Read more »

Making Homosexuality Normal

We’ve seen the Biblical view of homosexuality, and how it is clearly labeled a sin. Our society traditionally understood this until things started changing in the late 1960s (which is when a lot of things changed). A “gay rights” movement began in earnest in the mid-1970s. The goal was to make homosexual activity seem as normal as heterosexual. No one could have predicted how successful this movement has become. Here’s how it was accomplished: First, make the issue one of… Read more »