Category: Biblical Principles

What are the general truths that should guide our thinking in all areas of life? Here are some possibilities.

Principle: The God Who Is There

A few postings ago, I started writing about principles and how they should be the basis for everything we do. Principles are general truths, and they come from God. And that should be the first principle we consider: the fact of God’s very being. One of the most influential writers in the Christian world, who speaks to us even after his death, was Francis Schaeffer. I’m reminded of the title of one of his books–The God Who Is There. Schaeffer… Read more »

Principles Are the Foundation

Noah Webster defined “principle” in this way: the source or origin of anything; a general truth from which one can deduce many subordinate truths. Christians need to make sure that whatever they do in society is based on God’s principles–His general truths–and not simply on whatever is expedient. When we discover God’s general truths, we can then identify other truths that flow from the general ones. Those subordinate truths will help us understand the types of policies that must be… Read more »