Category: Biblical Principles

What are the general truths that should guide our thinking in all areas of life? Here are some possibilities.

Who Educates?

Since the president opened the door for a discussion of education, I’d like to walk through it. As a professor of history, education is my livelihood, and I’ve spent more than three decades thinking about principles that apply to education. As always, I go to the Scripture for my foundations. For instance, in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, the nation of Israel was told: These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them… Read more »


No pictures. No cartoons. Just a heart-to-heart today. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. First and foremost, I want my life to reflect His nature and character. Why? Because He truly did redeem me from a pit of my own making, and showed me His mercy (unmerited forgiveness) and grace (the power to do what is right). Politics and government are important to me, but only in the context of wanting to ensure that they manifest Biblical truths. I… Read more »

The Bible and Homosexuality (Part II)

Why does God consider homosexuality a sin? Why not live and let live? The answer is deeper than homosexuality itself. It has to do with the heart of man and his desire to rebel against the way God has set things up to work. God fashioned men and women the way He did to create the family structure. The physical characteristics and obvious differences between men and women are not cosmic accidents, but a grand design. The Apostle Paul, in… Read more »

The Bible and Homosexuality (Part I)

The first place we see homosexuality mentioned in Scripture is in the account of the judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. Angels in the guise of mem arrive in Sodom and are invited to stay at the home of Lot, Abraham’s nephew. The homosexuals of the city demand that Lot send out the men for sexual relations. The angels/men make the homosexuals blind to break up the mob. When judgment falls on Sodom, God was also judging its homosexuality. We see… Read more »

Principle: Sowing & Reaping (Part IV)

I ended the last post with this question from Psalms 11:3: If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? The answer is actually quite simple: rebuild. Now, I know that is easy to say and considerably harder to do. But there is no other choice. Nehemiah followed God’s call to return to Israel from Persia. His task? Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. What he saw could have led him to despair, yet he had faith that the Lord… Read more »

Principle: Sowing & Reaping (Part III)

I’ve spent two days talking about how important it is to sow Biblical principles in our society. Yesterday, I noted that no matter how well we sow, there will always be those who refuse to accept God’s truths. Sowing the right seeds will not automatically result in reaping the right harvest. The soil/heart in which they are sown must receive them. Yet there is the promise from God that sowing the right seeds generally will bring a good harvest. In early America,… Read more »

Principle: Sowing & Reaping (Part II)

Jesus related the following parable to His disciples: A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. In my last post, I noted that Christians are to be sowing the seeds of God’s principles. As we sow, people respond differently to the truths we are sharing. Some people are so closed off against the truth, the principles/seeds… Read more »