Universities hold to the fiction that they are temples of reason where honest debate takes place and students hear all sides of an issue. In reality, they are bastions of liberal/progressive thought with little tolerance for Biblical perspectives or political conservatism. Surveys consistently reveal, particularly in the liberal arts, psychology, and sociology programs, that something like 90% of the professors self-identify as either moderate or liberal. Of course, their definition of “moderate” has to be taken into consideration—a moderate in university-speak is left-of-center politically.
Many universities have gone to great lengths to ensure this slant continues to dominate:
By the way, this mirrors the stance of the major historical associations. They are constantly taking official positions against anything the government does or might do that would hint of conservatism. I belong to one of those associations and get their newsletters, which are filled with left-of-center articles and stances on hot-button political controversies. I had allowed my membership to lapse for a number of years due to this bias, but I thought I’d try again. After perusing the views of this organization anew, I’m probably going to become inactive again. Why waste my university’s funds on membership in a group that is opposed to everything a Christian university seeks to accomplish?
These speech codes can get pretty ridiculous at times:
While I”m not aware of any university making “Paula” part of their hate speech (wait for it—it might be coming), they have a tendency to see everything through a “diversity” prism [prison?] that seems to spot racism and various other types of “isms” everywhere.
What about an honest debate about speech codes? After all, these are universities where all views should be on the table for discussion, right?
Now, I realize some may criticize Christian colleges and universities for holding to a certain framework of thinking for their courses. They may say we are too narrow and don’t allow thinking outside the box. First, face the reality that secular universities don’t allow much thinking outside their self-imposed boxes. I know I would not be allowed to teach what I’m currently teaching now—and the way I teach it—at any state university. I would be sent to “sensitivity training.”
The acquisition of knowledge, along with an understanding of the significance of that knowledge, never exists in a vacuum. Everyone has a worldview. All a Christian university is doing is setting the framework in which a discussion takes place. It begins with a settled faith in the God of the Bible and that this book contains the essence of what God wants us to know about the universe He created. It’s a belief that Biblical faith contains key principles about who man is and why the world has the problems it does—starting with an explanation of sin.
The secular concept of a university is not the same as a Christian concept of what the university is supposed to do. A Christian university exists to develop the faith of its students. That includes investigations of non-Christian views and comparison with how a Christian worldview differs, and why. Overall, if done properly, it produces well-rounded, well-educated students who can take their Christian faith into the world to make an impact for the gospel. We follow the number one mission given to us by Christ: make disciples of all nations.
Christian universities are up front about their goals. Professors can decide whether they share those goals; no one is forced to teach at a place where they disagree with the aims of the education. Students know ahead of time what they can expect, and they can decide if that’s the type of education they seek. Secular universities, meanwhile, promote their openmindedness, then stealthily advance the kingdom of man.
Which approach is more honest? Which one is really more into thought control?