The nature of my post will be a little different today. I just want to provide some local flavor from the Lakeland, Florida, Tea Party. I arrived about 6:00 p.m. and took the following picture of the gathering crowd downtown.
Hundreds were present listening to the speakers. The lakeside setting was perfect.
Republican candidate for Congress Dennis Ross was the final speaker. I’ve gotten to know Dennis a little; I’m impressed with his devotion to the Constitution and knowledge of the basic principles of government.
Signs, of course, were omnipresent, all obviously homemade and none with swastikas or racial overtones. Everyone was polite and well-mannered. Here are some samples.
That last one gives the lie to the racist accusations. I saw another one that simply said, “I’m not white. I love tea parties.”
As faculty sponsor for Southeastern’s College Republicans, I was pleased to see so many of them present. They love their specialized T-shirts.
Others dressed with an eye for the historical angle.
So the reality of the Tea Parties is far different from the media’s perception.
Everyone was focused on the November elections. I don’t think this movement is going to wither, and I pledge to do all I can to encourage it.