In October I presented at a forum held at Southeastern University. The topic under debate was whether the Biblical worldview promotes a more limited government perspective or the socialist view. Incorporated into that was also the difference between socialism and free-market capitalism.
It was an opportunity for me to express my Biblical basis for what I believe about these issues.
Another SEU professor, Jason Old, took the viewpoint opposite to mine. I think we held a civil discussion even while disagreeing nearly 100% on everything. On how many college campuses does that happen anymore?
We called the forum “God, Man, and the State: Socialism or Limited Government?”
The video for that forum is now available, and you can go to it right here.
Prof. Old begins with a 20-minute presentation; I follow with my 20 minutes. After that, we both get another 5 minutes to respond to what the other presented, then it’s opened up to the audience for questions.
The room was packed—not only the 125 seats were filled, but people were standing in the back and sitting on the steps.
While I encourage you to watch it all (it’s just over an hour), if you would like to jump ahead to my comments, I begin at the 23:45 mark.
I hope this forum/discussion will be edifying for you.