I look back to where I was one year ago this week and fondly recall some truly precious days in Romania attending a C. S. Lewis conference.
It was a blessing to spend time with kindred spirits who love the Lord and who appreciate writers like Lewis, Tolkien, MacDonald, and others who point readers to the ancient truths that are actually timeless. I was asked to speak at the very first panel of the conference, a distinct pleasure and a venue to share how Lewis understood the value of history.
The conference also provided my co-author, Jamin Metcalf, and me an opportunity to talk about our book that had recently been published: Many Times & Many Places: C. S. Lewis & the Value of History.
We took along as many copies of the book as we could fit into our luggage. After we made a presentation about the theme and what we covered—Lewis’s credentials as a historian; how he saw the divisions in history; the danger of false historical interpretation; the linkage of history with imagination; and how one sees Lewis using history in his fictional works as well—we sold out in minutes. I wish we could have made more copies available at the time. We do very much appreciate that one of the other historians at the conference, Dr. Paul Michelson, offered a splendid review of the book afterwards. You can find that here: https://journal.linguaculture.ro/index.php/home/article/view/369/317
The conference itself was a highlight, of course, but there were multiple highlights. Exceptional dinners, walking the streets of Iasi, Romania’s cultural capital, and the trip to some significant Orthodox monasteries.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to return for a future conference, but I want to go on record to say that it was one of the most memorable times in my life, and I will always be grateful for it.
Many thanks to Denise Vasiliu and all the organizers of this conference. If I never return, please know that it’s not because I don’t wish to do so. You made me feel welcomed and appreciated. Just know how much I also appreciate all you do. May the Lord continue to bless the ministry He has given you, a ministry that reaches beyond Romania to the world.